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Everything posted by woohorn

  1. Cool map, but does the numbering system make sense to anyone?
  2. You should suck up to them. That's a sweet lookin' pool.
  3. I think most jurisdictions have a procedure for hiding ownership for things like domestic violence, celebrities, etc. Maybe your Stan will qualify. 9yo article confirms my recollection.. https://theaustinbulldog.org/appraisal-records-hidden-from-public-view/
  4. 29 over? What is the fine she is facing on a whopper like that? Any good traffic ticket attorney will be able to get deferred adjudication for her (assuming first offense, no booze). Call John Gioffredi. He moved up to major duis decades ago, but his staff still cranks out routine matters like this. Prolly cost about same as the fine ($300?). https://www.gioffredi.com/traffic-tickets/ GL!
  5. Did she just grab that kid off the playground for a selfie?
  6. Always wondered why the "come and take it" Twin Sisters still have never been found. Any of you Einsteins have leads? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twin_Sisters_(cannons)
  7. Are you per chance an IRS agent?
  8. Anyone playing with hertz, or is it a stonk at this point? $htz up 80+% today. I just knew there was plenty of action there, but I was too lazy to focus on super speculative shit this week.
  9. Always thought St. Augustine seed heads just meant you aren't mowing enough.
  10. I misread thread title as "Giant" and am a LITTLE disappointed. I watched the second ep tonight tho and enjoyed it.
  11. Isn't Amazon supposed to be buying JCP soon to stimulate their apparel game?
  12. I heard Gilette razor blades are often fake for some reason. I guess bigger margin?
  13. Bish doesn't even carry a driver. That says something about his abilities.
  14. I can't imagine how bad a Tomball rehab center for uninsureds must be. T&Ps brotha. I'll down a longneck for you tonight.
  15. Thx. Sorry. I was wrong. It looks like only Federal Appeals Ct . I ain't gonna guess what happens at SCt. and I withdraw my technical objection.
  16. No offense, but.... Playing devil's advocate... The linchpin provision (individual mandate) of the signature legislation of his 8 year term (Obamacare) was found by the Supreme Court to be unconstitutional.
  17. Thought West Wing staff were wearing masks and errybody visiting the Prez was tested.
  18. I would embrace that theme and just get that orange plastic mesh construction webbing and some wooden stakes to keep the dogs out, esp since it's a rental.
  19. Anyone surprised Drumpf's big vaccine Manhattan Project presser was 42 minutes late? That should be the first question so that his tone gets set early.
  20. Shared serving utensils. Substantially more movement among diners. I also figure some of the spread in jails and old folk homes is due to dining arrangements. Here's a video allegedly showing spread...
  21. Nah, just hoping he was back to criticising physical traits again, like acne or accident scars, but I can't remember G Conways appearance enough to know.
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