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Everything posted by woohorn

  1. Q1: Does tennant one have privity to enforce the landlord's rights against tennant two? Q2: What is tennant one's name? A1: No A2: Karen
  2. All the talk about sanctions, reparations, debt cancellation got me thinking about USSR and Chernobyl. Those radiation clouds really fucked northern Europe and I am sure were responsible for deaths (lt cancers) outside of the soviet Union. Anyone remember international penalties there? Outside of DuPont/Bhopal or reparations against Germany on WW1, are there any better examples of international punishments for external consequences of a nations deliberately misleading info?
  3. I just became awate of Maridoe in Carrollton (old Columbian Club/Honors Club Dallas) totally rebuilt by Albert Huddleston. Any guesses what initiation/dues range...Dallas National "range"..Northwood "range"?
  4. USAA did not inspect the last time I went through this. Just questions on phone.
  5. Might cross post in the fox news thread...
  6. Unless you are genning fucked by a union, you want an employment lawyer.
  7. If u kant getz ur gradez up, getz ur gunz up!
  8. Hot enuff tho... https://gfycat.com/unnaturalunimportantdipper
  9. Dallas Cty order requiring "cloth" masks starting Saturday. Am I gonna have to wear one at the driving range?
  10. Might have a tough time getting a rescue group to rehome in your situation. They are hard asses about young kids and work hours.
  11. Don't you figure it will still be his stupid fat sharpie signature (as opposed to just typed text) even if it is just on memo line?
  12. Think USAA said covid discount was 25% off for 2 months. I was underwhelmed.
  13. Serious Q-How did the Drumpf endorsed candidate fare?
  14. I'm already gettin 5lbs from Cattleack on Wednesday, but thanks for the head's up.
  15. woohorn

    Dallas | BBQ

    Well, the joke wuz that it is 3 dayz b4 de eventz.
  16. woohorn

    Dallas | BBQ

    Its not that bad now actually.
  17. The POTUS (no CR) claimed in his news conference today that someone st Boing told him the updated 737 was "the safest plane in the world". Doesn't seem consistent with the news from elfenix in post # 1417 above.
  18. Pence cites their "innovation" = reuse cloth surgical scrubs like we did 20 years ago.
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