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Everything posted by hookemATL

  2. Well fwiw I had a great time in Scouts. Earned my eagle, learned lots of life skills, got laid.
  3. hookemATL


    Mexican Jewish ms13 Puerto Ricans!!! DO YOUR RESEARCH.
  4. Thanks for validating that I am not crazy, and that they dont appear to exist. I will offer up this option and if they dont like it they can kiss the inside part of my butt. 'Preciate ya!
  5. There is every chance in the world that I just fucking suck at the Googles, but for the life of me I cannot find a wireless keyboard/mouse combo that includes an integrated biometric/fingerprint scanner/Touch ID. The only option I have found is the Apple Magic Keyboard, which will not work for my purposes. I am willing to offer up to 12 billion Drachmas for any kind soul that knows of/can point me toward a NON-Apple option.
  6. My dad is also “pops” to my kids AND has impeccable cursive handwriting. Kind of a lost art in the world we live in. Thanks for sharing, judge🤘
  7. I am a 15 min drive to Camp Tejas, and would love to take a run at white bass this year. I fucking HATE fishing around a bunch of people (who doesnt?), and typically just walk away from people until I find an area with fishable water with less crowds. May try that soon, but I am wondering what timing would be best? Early bird gets the worm I know, but am I to expect the place to be pretty busy already @ say 5:30-6:00am?
  8. You came to the wrong scat site, hombre.
  9. They hate women. They desire a world where female agency over ANYTHING does not exist. they can all die of late late late late late term abortions.
  10. My wife would be in constant pain without birth control. Yes it’s a contraceptive, but it’s so so much more for women. Misogyny has always been a pillar of the Republican Party. Vote for R and you might as well kick your mom/sister/daughter right in the vagina
  11. Reminds me I need to smoke weed and listen to CCR today.
  12. You mean tasks/duties that help with public safety? Sir, these are police. also you never know what’s going to happen when you direct traffic. Traffic = outdoors = trees = ACORNSSSSSSS
  13. Do they all fall under the umbrella of “honky” or “white trash”?
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