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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Gap03

  1. This is probably all GQP virtue signaling, as I don't think anything has come from his prior threats to the same 51 law firms about ESG matters back in November 2022 (ESG Letters to law firms (senate.gov)). Kinda shocked that Marsha Blackburn didn't want to ride along on this one again, given white nationalism would seem to be her jam ...
  2. That MFer is going to make one helluva artificial reef when a Cat 5+ takes it down within 5 years of being put into service ...
  3. Fucking sign her up! Actually, I would pay good money to see her land a few shots on the orange shitgibbon too.
  4. Waters around Florida are already at bathwater temps in July, so I'm sure they have nothing to worry about this hurricane season ...
  5. Funny, because Pence also loves him some Schweddy balls ...
  6. The memory of all those 2011 fires when coupled with all of the downed trees / limbs in the greenbelts after this winter's ice storms is pretty fucking terrifying. Hope we get some evenly-spaced rain throughout July and August, but will believe it when we get it.
  7. I mean, that's great and all, but "... 8-yr-old felony cases ..." I guess I'll get excited when I see the wonk-eyed MFer actually dragged into court.
  8. Holy fuck, that's actually real.
  9. Exactly. I read that, and immediately thought ...
  10. Let's see tubby work a couple of 8-hour shifts with a NYC road crew and see how he's doing by the end of the day.
  11. Rush and now Pat Robertson. Can we haz Pat Buchanan to complete the trifecta?
  12. Next time, just let the mob string him up.
  13. I'm on board with letting that tub of shit stew a few more days, maybe with a few extra hints that "it's coming tomorrow" only for it to be delayed a bit longer. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when the big one actually hits ...
  14. I do kinda want one of those "I'm voting for Ron DeSantis and I eat at the gas station " t-shirts, but only if it has a "Meatball Ron" logo on the front. I'm picturing with a Chef Boyardee appeal to it ...
  15. They should be forced to own that shit publicly so all the Florida Cleti know exactly what the Florida GQP's position is on illegal immigration.
  16. Is this going to turn into another Don Bongino thing?
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