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Horn Under a Bad Sign

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Everything posted by Horn Under a Bad Sign

  1. Can you imagine that you pay a guy 10 million dollars a year and he shows up to the office looking like this?
  2. It would be one thing if he was like Bill Belichek and had six Super Bowl wins. You could accept the slovenliness in a kind of Albert-Einstein-of-football-who-doesn't-have-time-to-think-about-clothes kind of maniacal brilliance. But Jimbo's one national championship is looking more and more like a fluke, an outlier. He a slovenly Gene Chizik.
  3. The worst part is the hypocrisy. On the one hand, Dan Patrick was on the steps of the capitol earlier this year boasting about Texas' renewable energy resources and saying that Texas ranks fifth among all polities worldwide in terms of renewable-energy capacity, trailing on the U.S. as a whole, China, India and Germany. And Patrick said renewable energy "helps clean the air and helps keep our prices lower. That’s why a lot of companies move here—because our cost per kilowatt is so much cheaper than other states.” And yet he and the GOP do things like proposing bills that create a new process that makes it extremely difficult to set up offshore wind farms in state waters in the Gulf of Mexico, or another bill aimed at raising the costs involved for renewable-energy generators to sell their electricity in the state’s marketplace. All of this regarding technology that saved Texans 11 billion dollars in energy costs last year.
  4. Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley claimed on the Senate floor that the foreign national who allegedly bribed then-Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter has 17 audio recordings of their conversations, but questioned whether those tapes even existed in an interview with CNN days later. https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/06/15/hunter-biden-joe-biden-gop-accusations-evidence-murray-dnt-lead-vpx.cnn
  5. This is false equivalence, Hermanator. Got any more logical fallacies for us? https://newslit.org/tips-tools/news-lit-tip-false-equivalence/#:~:text=As the name suggests%2C false,either in quantity or quality.
  6. Bottle of 81-year-old Macallan sells: https://whiskyadvocate.com/Whisky-Auction-Update-June-16-2023-Macallan-Takes-a-Nosedive-but-It-s-Likely-To-Be-Brief
  7. I think exactly the opposite. He knows he's quite fragile and bloviates and blusters to try to keep his mind off that fragility.
  8. "If you want to die in jail, keep talking." Really quite an interesting interview with ... if you can believe it ... two lawyers. The thing is that it speaks to the one thing Trump can't do: shut up. He's just psychologically incapable of shutting his mouth, even when opening it destroys him. He's in love with the sound of his own voice. So even when his lawyers tell him to shut his fucking mouth, he can't. It's sort of fascinating in a morbid kind of way. https://www.juancole.com/2023/06/national-security-treatment.html
  9. He also brings food to destitute nuns and walks injured baby ducks to help them regain flexibility and mobility.
  10. Here's my current favorite. The Hodge Twins, who apparently are conservative comedians, charge 10 bucks for a "coin" that says "Fight for Freedom" on one side and "hold the line" on the other. Best thing? They're made in China.
  11. "I Stand with Trump" is trending on Twitter. I also stand with Trump.
  12. Holy shit. The Texas State Capitol is an outhouse of corruption, tangled interests etc.. Guess who owes Dan Patrick 125 thousand dollars?
  13. Thank God for Jimmy Carter and Paul Volcker. Volcker for tightening the money supply and engineering the recession that finally squeezed inflation out of the economy (for decades) and Carter for having the political courage to let Volcker do it even when he knew that it would most likely cost him the 1980 presidential election.
  14. It's going to be a carnival in Miami!
  15. This was probably mentioned, but Trump called Barr a gutless pig.
  16. And James Watt, where he'll be greeted by a party of methed-out wolverines out for revenge after the sold their homeland out to the oil companies.
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