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Horn Under a Bad Sign

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Everything posted by Horn Under a Bad Sign

  1. Denying being the informant sounds exactly like what the informant would say.
  2. You got political fan fiction out of this? All I was trying to do was emphasize the fact that Allred should use the word "football" 217 times in any debate, being that football is right up there with Jesus and brisket as talismans that represent Texas values while at the same time making oblique fun of Ted's pudgy, non-football body.
  3. It would be lower were there no guns.
  4. Wade Searle, a Congressional staffer who works for Paul Gosar, is apparently a right-wing racist and follower of Nick Fuentes. Every one of these chucklefucks should be exposed for the toxic haters they are. https://talkingpointsmemo.com/muckraker/paul-gosar-nick-fuentes-staffer-wade-searle
  5. Do you understand the difference between consensual "crimes" and non-consensual crimes?
  6. I just came here to post this. 89 million dollars evaporates just like that. Money for "fallen heroes," police officers that have been wounded etc ... I was actually going to post it on the GQP thread but these folks might not even really be GQP supporters in real life but, rather, Surly Horns posters who finally decided they want in on the grift. 😉
  7. Folks in Houston used Covid PPP money for strip clubs, luxury items etc... https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/crime/article/ppp-fraudsters-pay-the-price-in-houston-18089032.php
  8. Maybe we could make some money by selling hardened sleeping silos to protect you from stray bullets while you sleep.
  9. All I know, really, is that she's trending among MAGAts who appear outraged. Example: Catturd
  10. Putin is going to make Bongino's dream come true. Russia is moving forward on a plan to build a village for conservative Americans. Let's see if Bongino takes Vladimir up on the offer! https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/russia-is-floating-a-plan-to-build-a-village-for-conservative-americans-who-want-to-move-to-a-christian-country-and-are-tired-of-liberal-ideology-in-the-us/ar-AA1b5v2l?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=1ad1c691ac7b4a6fb8419bc18e1d0a29&ei=34
  11. The new Twitter CEO is apparently a social justice warrior who is being brought in to re-institute the former moderation, clamp down on misinformation, eliminate trolls etc .... all to assuage the advertisers on which Twitter depends to sort of break even. And MAGA Twitter is in meltdown mode. Hilarious. Apparently the wunderkind is in the finding out stage of fucking around.
  12. You all who are mocking this need to get a clue. I saw a guy here in Texas today who looked like a Mexican, was speaking Spanish, and could have been illegal ---- and I live a few hundred miles from the border.
  13. What's great is that it was a ratings flop. So not only did hardly anybody watch it but those who did already had their minds made up about Trump before watching, and CNN learned the painful lesson that everything Trump touches dies.
  14. Yeah, we should be giving Elon Musk the hits/ratings! Amirite @Longhorn_Fan68 and @Lurch ?
  15. Why Trump's legal woes won't matter one whit: https://time.com/6278784/trump-carroll-verdict-campaign-strategy/
  16. Could we get some mega-rich Democrat supporter to pay Saban 30 million dollars to run as a Democrat against Tuberville?
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