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Horn Under a Bad Sign

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Everything posted by Horn Under a Bad Sign

  1. What's great is that it was a ratings flop. So not only did hardly anybody watch it but those who did already had their minds made up about Trump before watching, and CNN learned the painful lesson that everything Trump touches dies.
  2. Yeah, we should be giving Elon Musk the hits/ratings! Amirite @Longhorn_Fan68 and @Lurch ?
  3. Why Trump's legal woes won't matter one whit: https://time.com/6278784/trump-carroll-verdict-campaign-strategy/
  4. Could we get some mega-rich Democrat supporter to pay Saban 30 million dollars to run as a Democrat against Tuberville?
  5. And then he LIED about getting a blowjob from an intern! What's that? Trump lied about paying 130,000 dollars in hush money to Stormy Daniels? He was trying to protect his wife's feelings!
  6. A convicted con artist, a tax cheat, a traitor and a sexual abuser walk into a bar. The bartender asks: "What are you having, Mr Trump?"
  7. Damn. It was right there at the top. Fuck her anyway.
  8. This could go on several threads: Michelle Obama couldn't be reached. She was too busy eating at a five-star restaurant in Barcelona with her husband, Bruce Springsteen and Steven Spielberg.
  9. If Allred and Cruz debate, Allred should start off the debate by self-deprecatingly saying that "I'm not a skilled debater like my opponent is. I didn't have the advantage of taking debate classes at fancy private high schools like Mr. Cruz did. I was too busy working to help my school teacher mom pay the bills and playing football. I saw football as my ticket to the life I wanted. So, while Ted was in debate classes, I was a linebacker. Playing football. A lot of football. So I may not come off as slick as Mr. Cruz, but there are some things that are more important than being slick. Football players, of which I am one, tend not to sound as slick as those who went to private schools, took debate classes, and didn't play football."
  10. I keep going back to this horrendous video Ted Cruz made when he was running for President in 2016. "Machine gun" bacon? Anybody want to tell Ted that his cute little AR-15 isn't a machine gun?
  11. The fact that this man's most emotional vote ever was on guns --- guns --- says a lot about us, about politics, and about him. Think about it. His most emotional vote ever wasn't, say, voting some kind of proclamation for a Pearl Harbor survivor/hero or recognizing a firefighter who went way above and beyond the call of duty, heroically saving a bunch of lives, or voting to create some state park near his home district so his children and future generations would have a great place to go forever. Nope. His emotional attachments are to his guns. I applaud him for doing the right thing, but this should be a no-brainer from the git go.
  12. I didn't know that. Shit, that cuts like a knife.
  13. Brisket, this is a simplistic platitude that gets us nowhere. Guns don't cause deaths. I would guess that you can take every gun owned by ever person on this board ---- including a 30-30 that I have that is 124 years old ---- and collectively they have caused ZERO deaths. I believe you, yourself, own guns. How many deaths have they caused? If guns cause deaths, how could this be possible? What causes death is people + guns. Take either one of those two things out of the equation and gun deaths go to zero. I guess if you really want to be technical its people + guns + bullets/lead shot that causes death, but I'm just going for back-of-the-hand causation. Sadly, some people can't be trusted with guns. That's just a fact. I can be. You can be. The whole of Surlyhorns, presumably, can be, but some people can't. We see the evidence daily. Couple that fact with the fact that those same people now have easy access to extremely efficient/lethal guns, and it becomes a huge societal problem. The problem isn't the guns. It isn't the people. It's the people with the guns.
  14. Anybody know of a better shot than this one?
  15. I am getting rather tired of all the kink shaming in the media these days.
  16. That is what I thought, too. But Nick Adams is apparently a real person and, judging from this photo, a real Alpha Male. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Adams_(commentator)
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