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Sock Drawer

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Everything posted by Sock Drawer

  1. I will very much enjoy seeing Nebraska get reamed, but fuckabuncha Ohio State.
  2. Found a working stream. Thanks. However, Okie Lite uniforms so fucking bad I had to turn it off.
  3. Heeyyy! I resemble that remark.
  4. They're not cheerleaders, they're Midshipwomen.
  5. Found this online: vs FBS: SMU 4-0, A&M 1-2 vs P5: SMU 1-0, A&M 0-2 vs Top 25: SMU 1-0, A&M 0-2 vs FCS: (SMU doesn't play FCS), A&M 1-0
  6. It was Tim Curry: How'jou do, I See you've met my Faithful handyman!
  7. On two important plays, a TD and an escape on a long 3rd down, Sterns took a terrible angle and let Sanders get outside him. Maybe he used to be able to make the play taking those angles before the injury cost him a step, who knows, but last night he couldn't and it cost us. I'm not trying to dog him; he's a stud and angles can be taught/reminded. I hope he's back for WVa., blO-U for sure.
  8. Hear, hear! Seems OK on the recruiting trail, as well. I think some on here were suspicious of his abilities in that area, but he seems to be holding his own.
  9. That's some serious talent disparity between SC and the Utes. Probably just the reverse on the field.
  10. Mine look just like that--only smaller.
  11. I hear Mike Stoops is available. (ducks and covers)
  12. Taysom Hill is in the League . . .
  13. Well, he was kind of busy being Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, so . . .
  14. This is an honest observation, not a back-handed defense of Orlando: There was a time, not too long ago, when the universal opinion was that Orlando was the absolute key to our successes and we feared--no, prayed--that some mid-major didn't come and scoop him up to be their HC. We publicly begged Del Conte to pay him whatever it takes to keep him--$2mm, $3mm, anything. Now we've loosed the hounds and every poster on here is calling for blood. Are we overreacting to last Saturday, or is it like comfortably thinking Japan is our friend and then that pesky ol' Pearl Harbor thing happened?
  15. It's either a banner or crowdsourcing. I'm of the opinion that crowdsourcing would be more effective.
  16. What the fuck, man? You wait 4,350 posts to show you're an asshole?
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