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Reynolds Woodcock

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Reynolds Woodcock

  1. This movie is garbage. Like a film student desperately trying to pass his final exam by throwing every trick in the book on screen, yet unable to render anything more than a superficial, one dimensional story. As shallow as you can imagine. It’s not interesting, it’s not entertaining, and despite being singularly focused on her sex life and male desire (for lack of a better word), it’s not hot in the least. I can’t believe this same guy directed The Assassination of Jesse James. Just google the tit pics and save yourself the 3 hours of torture.
  2. Just see X first. X was maybe my favorite movie of the year (possibly because I went in knowing nothing). Pearl was very good and worth seeing, but didn’t hit the same for me.
  3. Don’t Worry Darling: a very bad movie.
  4. I am stunned at how stupid Tech’s coach is. He hasn’t kicked off twice in a game yet, but serious Charlie Strong vibes.
  5. For love of fucking god give it to one of the best players in college football on this drive.
  6. Can we get a screen shot of horns down t shirt gal?
  7. Good call to go for it there, bad play. I cannot believe what I’m about say, but I agree with Rod Gilmore
  8. Lol did Tech hire Charlie Strong? This guy is a bozo
  9. Why did he step up straight in to the pressure?
  10. I went last night to try to see this giant mother fucker hit 61. 0-2 with 3 Walks, and one pop out to dead center in the 9th that fell 3 feet short of 61 and clinching a playoff spot with one swing. Place was electric by Yankee game standards.
  11. Saint Maude. Slow burn, psychological thriller/horror movie. Fucked up. Available on Prime.
  12. @UpperWestside I need to take a client out to dinner in October, and she specifically requested Upper West Side or Harlem (I think she lives in Westchester or something like that). Needs to be nice but not like 2/3 star Michelin nice necessarily. The only suggestion I've gotten is Sushi Ishikawa, but not sure if counter seat is the best option. Do you happen to have any suggestions that come to mind? I'm so out of the loop on uptown happenings.
  13. All things people have mentioned previously, the first two of which are brought on by the fact that I had to fly economy last minute on an international flight the other day: People who stand up/hang around the gate before your boarding group is called: eat a bullet. People who listen to videos out loud/talk on speaker phones in public places: literally fuck your own face** People who whisper/talk to each other during a movie: go play in traffic. **caveat posed as a question to Surly dads, since I am about to join that group: is there a reason why so many people let their kids listen to shit out loud on iPads and iPhones vs. plugging in headphones and fixing the volume? I assume there has to be an actual reason vs. every living parent being inconsiderate.
  14. Pearl. Not as great as X, but still pretty good. Mia Goth was terrific. this one is on my list. I’ve heard it’s brutal.
  15. Piggy backing on the above, does anyone have a go to for quality sweaters (maybe a step below BC) for the colder months? I gave up on retail button downs in favor of a local shirt maker for the warm weather months (excellent decision), but I haven’t made a similar break through on sweaters.
  16. I think at least me, Penelope, UpperWestSide and nychorn, and maybe Stunn? There used to be others on the old site. It’s a long walk across town for me, but I’ve spent way too much money at A-1 Records, Discovery Wine and Mast Books in your neck of the woods.
  17. I knew we had a bunch of Lake Travis and Westlake honks on here, but I didn’t realize Gilmer inspired such devoted group think.
  18. Barbarian. Not giving any commentary, as it’s best to go in blind. Glad i saw it. Seeing Pearl tomorrow night. X has been either my first or second favorite movie of the year, so can’t wait to see this.
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