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Reynolds Woodcock

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Reynolds Woodcock

  1. Ah fuck. I’m going to blame that on the late night and auto-correct 😔
  2. Holy shit, we found the one human being who can tolerate Jason Whitlock. Incredible.
  3. Went to the 10:00 show at comedy cellar tonight. Pretty normal first three acts. Fourth act, former Senator Al Franklin pops in. He proceeds to give a 30 minute set (the usual is 10). He mostly just shot the shit, told really funny jokes. He spent about 15 minutes doing random impressions of other senators (Bernie, Mitch, Grassley, etc) mixed in with Senate stories. He then spent the last 7-10 minutes or so telling us stories about how much more awful Ted Cruz is to be around in person than he appears on TV. It was really bizarre to see, but that guy is hilarious.
  4. Wait until you guys see what Christian Scott is capable of when unleashed. And sources close to the program tell me Cody Johnson/Joe Bergeron looks like a poor man’s Ricky Williams. DeSean Hales is also really turning heads.
  5. Nocturnal Animals. The “real” part of the story and some of the Texas accents weren’t great, but Michael Shannon and the “novel” story were awesome.
  6. Haven’t listed to much new stuff this year, but Dry Cleaning and Vince Staples have been the best two. The Weather Station album is also good. I’ve fallen into a trend of loading up on new stuff at the end of the year/early part of the following year once the “best of” lists come out. Part of getting older I suppose.
  7. I didn't say starting, I said two deep. Do you understand what that means? Being behind a younger player with a lesser pedigree and particularly a guy like Tope Imade is disappointing for a recruit like Tyler Johnson. It doesn't mean he is a lost cause and it doesn't mean it's all or even primarily his fault. If you want to rationalize and explain it away, have at it. But you would think after 10 years of getting kicked in the nuts you would quit trying to excuse the nut kicking.
  8. Not seeing Tyler Johnson even mentioned in the two deep continues to be disappointing, but I will continue to hold out hope he is a late bloomer or Flood can rectify the abysmal coaching he received since he got here. That led me down a rabbit hole of how he compares to other "elite" offensive lineman we've recruited the last ten years. Since the 2011 class, we've had 7 O line recruits with a .97 ranking or higher: Sedrick Flowers, Curtis Riser, Kennedy Estelle, Kent Perkins, Darius James, Patrick Hudson, and Tyler Johnson. Rough. Of course offensive lineman are the toughest position to project and we've hit on guys like Sam Cosmi and Connor Williams, but that really highlights the shit show our O line coaching has been the last decade. Here's hoping Flood is the guy that turns it all around.
  9. I was at Forrest Hills at a Wilco show. Absolute fucking down pour. Was awesome. A very wet train ride home.
  10. This is where I am. I think our offense will be exceptionally pedestrian unless Bijan is truly other worldly. Outside of Bijan, it’s a whole lot of blah or question marks as far as the eye can see. Maybe Whittington finally stays healthy and lives up to his pedigree, Moore keeps his head on straight, Worthy is the rare Great Freshman Hope who actually lives up to ridiculous expectations, and Keilan Robinson is the next coming of Ramonce Taylor. Maybe… But, there is absolutely no reason our defense shouldn’t be fucking awesome, based on both talent and coaching pedigree. You can pick nits and wish we had more talent at the edge, a second proven linebacker, and maybe more speed and ball skills at safety, but all of those positions are at least filled by competent players.
  11. My anti-vax brother finally got the shot yesterday (I assume because of a work mandate). J&J. The mother fucker had an almost immediate reaction. They gave him two doses of epinephrine and hospitalized overnight. Out now and totally fine, but sheesh, this is going to ratchet his crazy up to new levels.
  12. I’ve got a One White Street next Friday night. Looking forward to it.
  13. Trying to get this thread back on track. Went to Momofuku Ko bar last night. Still great. Pictured below are the Sea Urchin and Chickpea Hozon, the Ko Egg with Caviar, and the cold fried chicken. Wine pairing was terrific.
  14. I have a fairly pessimistic view of this team’s ceiling compared to the rest of this board, but you have four losses as a “lock” with our shitty schedule? I mean even if you assume OU and ISU are losses, what other games are definite losses? I think 3-4 losses are entirely possible because average (and even good) teams in college football lose games they shouldn’t. But even our relatively pedestrian talent (on offense) should have us favored in every game outside of OU and ISU.
  15. You are baffled at how "suddenly" Omeire (a guy who the recruiting board roundly mocked as slow and stiff while he was committed to A&M and who has accomplished nothing but blowing out his ACL at UT) and Moore (who has been the definition of a JAG and all around knucklehead for the past three years) are not good enough? Here is a hint. Pretend you never read a $9.95 kool aid report and only based your expectations on past performance or pedigree. And don't be shocked when Christian Jones, who struggled to be fucking average at right tackle last year, "suddenly" hasn't morphed into Jonathan Ogden in one off season.
  16. That sucks man. At our firm we had to upload proof of vaccination or our access cards were shut off. Seems like it would be really difficult for people to lie but I guess I underestimate the resourcefulness of selfish assholes.
  17. I just wanted to pop by with a friendly
  18. I'm not sure how you can conclude all those characters ended up "happy". Every single person save Quinn ended the show in the same or worse position, regardless of whether they solved some surface level issue. The Mosbacher's marriage will be exactly where it was as soon as the vacation glow fades. Paula knows Olivia has dirt on her and will throw her under the bus the second Paula has something Olivia wants. Oh yeah, and she destroyed a fucking guy's life. Shane either ends up divorced or in a marriage with a woman who told him on his honeymoon that she felt alone with him. Rachel ran back to a loveless marriage and life she doesn't want. Armond literally gets stabbed to death by the guy he hates. Belinda was strung along emotionally with a new life dangled in front of her, yet ended the show literally where she started. Coolidge - an emotional train wreck - is signing up for a relationship with a guy on death's door. I'm sure she'll handle that death well. Even Quinn. You think the story ends happily for a 16 year old who runs away from his parents at the airport? That little shit will be jerking off to his iphone in California within a few days.
  19. It isn't complicated. If you choose not to get vaccinated, do not take a vacation to a densely populated area during which you will unavoidably come in close contact with hundreds of people. It's an incredibly selfish thing to do. As for masks and what not, where them where required (like the subway), and more generally just don't be a shitty fucking person. Obviously that is more difficult for some.
  20. Wife and I are taking a quick weekend trip to Turks and Caicos for labor day. They just announced a requirement for proof of vaccine starting September 1, with the acceptable proof described below. All I have is the handwritten CDC card (got the vaccine at UT Health Tyler). Anybody have any ideas for how to get one of the acceptable forms of proof from my CDC card? I guess it would be nice if I actually had a primary care physician I could call. Vaccination letters signed by a doctor (must include doctor's registration or license number). E-Cards, such as those from CVS, Walgreens, NHS or similar sources. Handwritten vaccination cards will not be accepted as proof of vaccination.
  21. Can I just pick Seth Rogan and Bill Hader in Superbad?
  22. What a dumb fucking comparison. Correct. Mediocre tubby white dudes buy tickets to sporting events and think it makes them impervious to ordinary course repercussions for acting like shitty human beings. It’s unfortunate that it escalated, but the clips of Bob Costas and the like labeling these guys thugs for reacting like normal humans in a hostile environment with beer being thrown at them is total bull shit. And Kyle Lowery should have been allowed to remind Mark Stevens exactly where he stands on the evolutionary food chain a few years ago.
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