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Serak The Preparer

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Posts posted by Serak The Preparer

  1. On 11/24/2019 at 7:15 AM, Johnny Sack said:

    Profit centered?  They don’t make profits.  They don’t have shareholders who get paid dividends   What profits are you talking about?

    And the main churches that engage in politics are the black churches, which are effectively a get out the vote entity of the Democrat party   

    my church has Democrats and republicans.  So the pastor knows better than to politic for either side.  Black churches don’t have that constraint.  

    So Johnny, a couple of people have asked already, but any chance you have actual evidence of this, beyond what Fox tells you about Jeremiah Wright? Do Southern Baptist churches "engage in politics"? What about Mormon churches?

  2. 35 minutes ago, zork said:

    Clinton suiciding someone is a meme at this point, not even worth talking about whether it is true at all.

    Ah, the modern conservative.

    Emoluments? Bribery? Sexual assault? Treason? All fake news!

    But memes? You bet your sweet ass that those are bona fide.

    • Like 1
  3. 29 minutes ago, ulukinatme said:

    It looks to be that way (edge of the helmet vs. the side), but the dispute was a hammer vs. a helmet.  The hammer will still do more damage, even if the mass is the same because there's less wind resistance which leads to greater velocity (among other factors).  I'll not dispute that the edge of a helmet could cause more damage than the side of it, you and I are in agreement.

    Holy shit, you are so off here for someone who is trying to use physics.

    Hint one:: do you know why cars have bumpers? If two cars (same mass, same acceleration) hit each other, and one has bumpers, which one will have more damage?

    Hint two: if you are going to be hit by a car, would you rather be hit by one with bumpers or without?

    In neither case is wind resistance a factor.

  4. On 11/12/2019 at 9:20 AM, Sbbruin said:


    On 11/12/2019 at 1:05 PM, smuggs said:

    I like that the article clarifies that this was a "hot diarrhea" attack. Way more serious than your run-of-the-mill room temperature diarrhea attack.

    My favorite was making sure she we knew she was coming out of an "authentic Thai restaurant". Maybe it wouldn't have happened if it was all Americanized!

  5. 23 minutes ago, EMAWesome said:

    She used the phrases "she" and "Democrat presidential candidate" in her accusation.  That narrows it down to Warren, Harris, Gabbard, and Williamson.  You didn't have to be Lt. Columbo to know who she was referring to.

    Sounds pretty circumstantial to me.

    • Like 1
  6. 12 hours ago, DanRydell said:

    I know Laura Sharp in Austin does MedMal. Unfortunately without any economic damages really, it may not be worth a lawyer's time and costs.

    Not involved in this case at all, but curious about implication of this. Let's assume that InkaUtexas's case is as about a slam dunk case as it gets. Are you saying that even then, the lawyer fees will be >250K? Is this something that a non--lawyer would be able to go through on their own? I am clearly not Surly 1% and fortunate to have not needed a lawyer, so I am certainly lacking in perspective. But man, what is someone supposed to do in a case like this? 

  7. 15 minutes ago, crash_davis said:

    damn, no wonder he's divorced and can't keep jobs.  that dude has mental issues.  

    i'm putting him on my suicide list.

    The shitty thing is I genuinely think suicide may be one of the better outcomes. At least that only harms Hamm but his feed is looking really fucking dark.

  8. For all of the vapers in this thread dismissing parental concerns (especially those without school-age children), be aware that pressure for legislation is going to grow.Per survey from U of Michigan, "About 25% of 12th graders in 2019 reported using nicotine-containing vaping products within 30 days of taking one of the surveys. That figure was about 21% in the 2018 edition of the same survey and 11% in 2017. Nearly 12% of 12th graders in 2019 reported using nicotine-containing e-cigarettes on a daily basis (defined as use during 20 or more days in the last 30.)"

    It's awesome that vaping has helped many of you transition off of cigarettes, but you aren't helping the public perception of vaping by dismissing growing use among kids.



    • Like 1
  9. 36 minutes ago, Trey3216 said:

    Yep. Van Jones doesn’t say shit like that. 


    Im not excusing it.  I don’t fucking watch any of those networks anymore because they’re all the fucking same.   Just like the politicians are the fucking same.  I’m just tired of the shit to be honest 

    If you don't watch any of the networks, how can you say they are the same? Who is the equivalent of Hannity or Tucker on CNN or MSNBC?

  10. 4 minutes ago, McCroskey said:

    Being a free country isn't an easy thing, you know.  It's absurd to act like taking certain guns off the streets reduces this problem, and if anything, it would only exacerbate the problem.

    It's a tough situation, for sure.  Really hate it for the victims and families involved.

    So taking "certain guns" (not sure what that meand) off the street dosen't solve problem, can only make it worse. The logical inference then is that more of those guns makes things better. Can you explain just a bit what those certain guns are and how many more we need?

  11. 15 hours ago, Spankytoes said:

    I’m sorry, but this is ridiculous:

    1. Eric Garner died because he was breaking the law, resisted arrest and was in poor health. He did NOT deserve to die for those transgressions and the officer SHOULD be held accountable. (Beyond the $5.9m settlement his family received) But to claim that he was just minding his own business and was randomly targeted for being a POC is disingenuous. He was arrested 30 times prior to the incident, including being out on bail for doing exactly what he was being arrested for. He was targeted for a reason...namely because he was guilty of breaking the law yet again.

    2. Eric’s daughter died of a heart attack, which had nothing to do with politics, social justice or her father’s death. What does that have to do with anything?

    3. Orta was imprisoned because he committed multiple crimes/felonies after recording the video to which he plead guilty. (Not to mention his priors beforehand) He requested to be placed in PC, not thrown in solitary confinement as punishment for his role.

    4. DeBlasio took a beating for condemning the police’s actions, including the force turning their back on him for suggesting that they have blood on their hands. Why is his presidential run relevant and how is he responsible in any way?

    It’s pretty sick that people choose to politicize this with misinformation to push a narrative. 

    1. Nowhere in that tweet does it state that Garner was minding his own business. I am not sure what the hell you are responding to there.

    2. Do you think that the stress of Garner's death possibly had anything to do with her heart attack? I don't know that you can assign a certain percentage but I would certainly suspect that was at least involved in her overall health.

    3. I would hypothesize that Orta received extra "scrutiny" as retaliation for the video taping. Not saying he his innocent of any of his crimes, although it certainly wouldn't surprise me if he was, but I would be shocked if his treatment post-video was completely above-board.

    • Like 2
  12. On 7/3/2019 at 11:39 AM, UcancallmeSurly said:

    She's every bit as crazy and at fault as her ex.   He wins the tie breaker via violence, but I've heard the tOSU ad admins take on Courtney and the Smith's were 1a & 1b psycho.

    Wtf? She may be as crazy as Zach (although that's a tall bar to clear) but at equal fault? She has equal blame for her domestic abuse? I am somehow suspicious that what you've heard from OSU AD is 100% true and accurate, but even if it is, this is a horrible fucking post.

    • Like 5
  13. 47 minutes ago, Axiom of Choice said:

    That was intended as a comment on the general point I was making.  I do think that it is true, as far as proverbs go.  

    So you think Trump supporters have legitimate positions (except when they don't and are really driven by personality) and that Democrats should negotiate with Republicans (like they tried to do with ACA and were rebuffed). Have you tried approaching Pelosi with your wisdom and proverbs? 

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