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Everything posted by Nuge

  1. Nuge

    David Crosby RIP

    This is one of my favorites.
  2. I don't know why but my FB feed is littered with Debbie/Blondie pictures and articles. I've never looked for or clicked on any related links, etc. Why does FB think that I care about her?
  3. Feels like Billy Squier needs to be included even though he's early 80's and not Southern: The Stroke Everybody Wants You Lonely Is The Night
  4. I started off with 7 layer dip as a snack but kept going and it became dinner.
  5. Wait, we had a WR coach already on staff? Why didn't we just promote him?
  6. Saturday was rough. Ordinarily, I will wake up to Willow licking my hand to let me know its time for breakfast. That didn't happen Saturday morning. I noticed it but it didn't strike me as particularly odd. She could have been playing with the boys or already fed. As I made my way downstairs her absence became obvious. She was nowhere to be found inside or out. The last time that she had been seen was around 10pm the previous night when she jumped into bed with the boys. Now I'm getting concerned. She's learned how to open the gate in the backyard if it isn't locked. Sometime between Friday night/Saturday morning she decided to go for an solo adventure. The gf, boys, and I all start combing the neighborhood. No sign of her. Her collar has my contact info engraved on it so anybody that comes across her would be able to get a hold of me. I get on my phone and start putting out missing dog posts on FB, nextdoor, the county shelter sites, etc. She is super friendly and would approach anybody that called her. She's got a chip so if she was turned in to a shelter or vet they would be able to reunite us. At this point I'm starting to think that she's either dead/injured on the side of the road or somebody has decided to keep her. She's a beautiful purebred lab from Amwell Hunting Dogs so she's obviously a pretty high priced prize. I can't just sit at the house waiting for a phone call so I start driving. For hours. I know that the odds of me finding her in this manner are pretty low. It's now 4pm and she's been gone for 18hrs. I've got a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. She's gone. Somebody has dognapped her. Then, a phone call. "Do you have a dog named Willow?" Holy shit! Relief washes over me. I get the address and haul ass. The lady tells me that she works at a grocery store a couple of blocks away and her coworker saw a sedan stop in front of the store and drop Willow off. Her explanation seems a little shady to me but I'm so happy to have my dog back that I don't really question it. Internally, I'm like "why the fuck wouldn't someone just call me from the store? Why wait and take her home? Nobody at Safeway has a phone?" etc. This episode was fucking scary. Everybody in the house snuggles with her the rest of the night. Sunday morning I wake up to a dog licking my fingers. All is right in the world. After breakfast we load up and head out to 1000 acre dog park and splash around in the mud. She's in her happy place.
  7. They came up on my Spotify release radar. Sounded great!
  8. My wild assed theory: GP is going to be the DC at Bama.
  9. My dad did the whole hang a golf ball in the garage to indicate when to stop the car. He upped the ante by taking a roll of blue tape and outlining where the car should be parked so that door shaped holes in the walls could be avoided. Works great. However, backing out into the driveway seems to be an issue. One day I'm visiting and she wants to take my son to go get some Pokémon cards. Apparently backing straight out of the garage is a task too great for her. She noticed on the back-up camera that she was getting close to my car so she asked my son to get out and tell her if she's getting too close. He steps out and she had already hit my car. Grrrrrrrr.
  10. Where is his home? Ft Worth or Austin? I was under the impression that he moved to Austin so I'm confused how time away from home is such a factor.
  11. White Denim is playing that night at Wonder Ballroom. 21+ venue so no weird fuckery.
  12. I hate it but they have the best booker in town so I go. Oregon is fucking weird in that they separate those that drink from those that don't. So, if you want a beer, you have to go upstairs. The capacity upstairs is just over 300 people. Usually the line to get upstairs wraps around the inside of the venue. One out one in. Plus, no bathroom up there so if you need to go you have to get back in line again. Who are you going to see? Viagra Boys on 3/3?
  13. Gonna see my girlfriend play this friday 1/6 with her Merle Haggard cover band, Gerle Haggard, at Mississippi Studios in Portland. She's a violinist. Here's a pic because rules. Got tickets to see Budos Band 2/18 at Roseland Theater and White Denim 3/3 at Wonder Ballroom.
  14. Looks like he'll be able to interview his subjects in person now. He seems like the type that would have continued killing. I'm glad he's been captured.
  15. All of these national accolades for Bijan and yet the Big 12 would rather shit on Texas than recognize a truly great player. Fuck the Big 12!
  16. The Bijan merch is great. Looks like there will be some mustard flavored presents under the tree.
  17. https://www.yahoo.com/news/mike-flanagan-adapt-stephen-kings-153500042.html
  18. Was he recruited by Carrington and Samples by chance?
  19. The portal will do wonders for his business. Maybe I should start making edits...
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