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Everything posted by Nuge

  1. Black Angels - Wilderness of Mirrors Spoon - Lucifer on the Sofa Wet Leg - Wet Leg GA-20 - Crackdown The Murlocs - Rapscallion Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio - Cold as Weiss Ghost Woman - Ghost Woman Charley Crockett - The Man from Waco Seventies Tuberide - Seventies Tuberide Viagra Boys - Cave World
  2. Just got home from seeing the Murlocs. Fucking loved it! Great show!
  3. I'm sure they'll give GP credit and not PK.
  4. So many miserable fucks on here. Fucking pussies.
  5. Boogie Nights - the transition from the 70's to the 80's was jarring.
  6. This is my district. I voted for her. Kent is a fucking psycho.
  7. I have often (jokingly) said that serving in Congress should be modeled after jury duty. Get a letter in the mail, "Dammit, I have to be a representative." But then I remembered there are millions of dipshit assholes out there and I don't really want them in positions of power.
  8. My former roommate, Ian, is the drummer for Lazer Fire.
  9. I'm not lazy, I just prefer to leave things up to fate. If everything is predetermined why do I need to get up from the sofa?
  10. It was the only one in the red dress I could find. That dress got my attention. There are topless photos out there but this is the pg-13 board.
  11. I am now a fan of Simona Tabasco.
  12. Everything John Smoltz highlights happens next. I'm enjoying hearing his insights.
  13. Picked up some tickets to see The Murlocs. Really dig their new album, Rapscallion.
  14. Oddly enough, I got the snake to get over my fear of snakes. Didn't work. It was actually the second snake we had at Castilian. We originally had a florida king snake but traded it in for the python because it was "too boring". FAFO indeed. I think the rules of the Castilian were no pets and no kegs. We obviously broke those rules. However, I NEVER peed in the elevators. So I've got that going for me.
  15. When I was a freshman I lived in the Castilian. My roommate and I purchased an African rock python as a pet and would have feedings in the tv room in the middle of the floor. A dude on the floor came up to me with his biology book and showed me a picture of a 24' African rock python eating an Impala with the description that they get more aggressive as they get older/bigger. Proved to be true. That snake got mean and scary. Had to give it away to someone more experienced with big reptiles. Looked like the snake in that (fake) video above.
  16. Nuge

    6 word stories

    Had thought. Now gone. Too high.
  17. Yet Boobert was still elected there...
  18. I'd like to see being exiled brought back as well. GTFO motherfucker! You're somebody else's problem now.
  19. They don't sell that beer up here in the PNW. I would love to have some for the game this weekend. sadface
  20. Grabbing a ticket to see Psychedelic Porn Crumpets and Acid Dad tonight. Gonna have to take at least two of my mushroom capsules.
  21. Wow, that band sucks. Even with laptops.
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