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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by someguy

  1. yes. Mitchell's dad went on a twitter rampage shortly after Mitchell left and many folks put two and two together and drew conclusions. But he left for private personal reasons.
  2. this is not true. Well, it very well may be true that dad didn't like the offense or touches, but that isn't why Tre left the team. I understand the anger, but I urge folks to withhold judgment.
  3. team has heart - can't take that away from them.
  4. great performance - team seems to be peaking, freshmen continue to make a leap.
  5. It was Fairfield and all, but (in my opinion anyway) Matharu's defense in the 4th quarter really helped Texas finish that game strong after a terrible 3rd quarter. Vic was running Harmon into the ground, and she was visibly tired and losing her edge on defense. Matharu came in and you could feel the difference right away. Bodes well for the future.
  6. i was going to say the same thing - Warren is probably the one negative from today.
  7. This is an outstanding offensive performance. Moore is raising her game this tournament.
  8. I guess UNC correctly assumed there was no point in trying to drive and risk contact, as no call would be coming.
  9. THAT is the play to try to win the game???? Davis is looking awfully shaky as a coach.
  10. so Hubert Davis thinks it is a good idea to have to inbound twice with the game on the line?
  11. incredible what Baylor is getting away with on inbounds play.
  12. haha, refs trying to give it to Baylor. Thank goodness for review.
  13. basketball gods finally deciding to intervene on Mayer.
  14. UNC playing with no contextual awareness.
  15. they just need to call it both ways. Baylor is getting touch fouls called on UNC (that step through and 1 a few minutes ago was a very soft call), while Baylor is allowed to play aggressive, pressing defense - bumping guys and pushing them off their spots - with no call. UNC is melting down, but it is hard to stay focused when the teams are playing with different rules.
  16. Sochan has been the common denominator, and no calls against him. Terrible reffing.
  17. this is unbelievable! When is the last call UNC got? Anything even 60/40 is going Baylor's way
  18. don't get your hopes up here
  19. Whitaker - as tying run - flies out to the fence with two outs in the 7th. Another two or three feet and it would have been a game tying home run. Texas loses 3-1.
  20. I'll state it plainly. I am not speculating. Tre Mitchell did not leave the team because he is pissy or had a conflict with the coaches or anything like that. It is not my place to divulge details and I won't, but I don't want the kid to be unfairly tarnished. Screw Justin Wells for saying otherwise.
  21. yeesh...not saying that double should have been caught, but it definitely could have been caught. It was playable. Regardless, Shea needs to figure some things out.
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