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Everything posted by futureman

  1. Romo never won anything but he had twice the talent that Dak ever will.
  2. did you get banned? why you have a new name?
  3. I don’t know where to put this shit but I have to put it somewhere because I need to others to suffer from it, too. cheers.
  4. Mr. Peterson, you gotta sell me my stories back.
  5. that's nice. what did she look like?
  6. do you have a legitimate source of some kind for this groundbreaking information?
  7. can you compress it into one sentence?
  8. Emmett Till? Dr. Emmett Brown? who the fuck are you talking about? how the FUCK do you not know how to spell Emmitt Smith’s name? dumbass.
  9. I don’t even have a wallet. I just put my driver license and cash and credit card in my pocket. that’s it.
  10. yeah bud I know the family and I love the guy but he's not aiden hutchinson nor will he be.
  11. Mesa Verde transferred their headquarters to Austin. I think that's news.
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