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Everything posted by futureman

  1. jungle, my ass. everyone on surly is a pussy. except me.
  2. yeah it’s pretty basic. blocked kick or no blocked kick, if the receiving team touches it it’s a live ball. that player is a dipshit.
  3. indeed they did. that team was relevant and that’s why we remember leon lett for that fuckup. incidentally lett was a great player… but this team is not relevant and so we will never remember this play or the nameless player who touched the ball.
  4. if the bengals win it here that would be an all-time gaff if this wasn’t such an abortion of a season.
  5. not true. one of the years the patriots won they had like the 30th-best run game in the league.
  6. I guess you misread the meme, it said “terrible movie.”
  7. scary as fuck either way but the vid is rotated a bit to make it more extreme.
  8. line at L&L didn’t start until 10:45. line was gone by 11:40ish. a little shocking even with the shitty sunday morning weather. meat was excellent.
  9. what has the line for L&L been like on weekends since they got the tire award? I’m gonna try and go tomorrow.
  10. yeah we know you can swallow a 6-inch cylindrical object in record time.
  11. that’s not true at all. you do have to have a good qb though.
  12. you think Sam would be 8-4 with this team and this coach?
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