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Everything posted by futureman

  1. if you don’t give up one, you give up all of them. that’s why it’s difficult. or you can take one behind the ear and escape all discomfort.
  2. I don’t understand the meme but that’s Bob Barker on the shirt.
  3. so the ticket is doing football theater. and the dumb zone is also doing football theater, with sirois and some other folks from the freak. so tense, so very indeed…
  4. Gil bang is gay so I doubt he’d be interested.
  5. this is ridiculous. a state champion boys' basketball team would beat the WNBA all-stars by 50 points. maybe 80. why are women's sports a thing? so fucking stupid.
  6. wasn't there talk about his frame being too small? was that bullshit or did he have a growth spurt in the last year?
  7. carve out an hour or two one day and you can re-watch the whole series.
  8. what the fuck movie is this. seeing this meme a lot in the last few days.
  9. buzzards gotta eat, same as worms.
  10. he should be the next SOTA pitch man. along with Monty.
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