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Everything posted by futureman

  1. can you explain your reasoning? that looks like a full body harness and it would be a very short drop before it caught him. where does “massive internal organ damage” come in.
  2. it’s been at the bomb factory for several years I thought
  3. I wouldn’t go to a ticket gathering of any kind but in the event that I were to go I think the prospect of having jake and dan there in some capacity would make it more palatable. I don’t blame the texzilla p1s for not wanting to see matt mcclearin and mino ringside.
  4. starkist, jerry. most tuna don't make their cut.
  5. well it must be comforting to know you'll be going straight to hell at no more than three miles an hour.
  6. tell me about your sausage
  7. I think that was very sarcastic and I don't appreciate it. and I'm not kidding.
  8. anyone have a cliff's notes on jub's deteriorating health? this morning he said no pneumonia and no cancer or anything right?
  9. this is what the beginning of the end looks like.
  10. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwdYkRjtmyd/
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