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Everything posted by futureman

  1. hey bud congratulations on being a dumbass.
  2. the male body is utilitarian, it's for getting around. it's like a Jeep.
  3. you gotta be fucking kidding. no klatt on the top 10? well it’s on the app. I just assumed that was the top 10
  4. haha damn that’s actually Budnick. I miss that show.
  5. is fleecing a term for removing the foreskin?
  6. I thought the same but I also don’t know for sure. the location of the capitol is throwing me off.
  7. as long as we’re on the subject can we talk about why DKR doesn’t have natural grass?
  8. https://www.instagram.com/reel/Ct4BGcYu9p6/
  9. did dave and corby hammer aggy bob's balls? edit nm. just let us know after
  10. fuck that, it’s BULLSHIT, and let me tell you why…
  11. thanks for letting me know when not to listen.
  12. pretty sure those breadsticks are made with whole grain and basically good for you.
  13. Dak hasn't done a goddamn thing. As per usual he's a useless piece of dead-weight garbage anchoring this team to mediocrity. He was shit tonight. Special teams and defense were great though.
  14. if christian jones were playing against us here about 90% of the board would have had a heart attack scream-typing that he got away with a hold.
  15. ticket reddit is a tiny fraction of p1s. it is obvious to everyone here that you are a painfully average dorky piece of shit, though. kudos, bitch.
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