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Everything posted by futureman

  1. apropos of nothing, mike white's passer rating today was 158.3 that's perfect. perfect. if you didn't know.
  2. 05 is up on last night's baylor squad 77-0 in the third quarter.
  3. 05 was scary good. so far this team is 'solid' with room to improve.
  4. scary good like this team is good but it still scares me? ok. scary good doesn't go into the 4th tied with wyoming.
  5. who gives a frog's fat ass about anyone from portland or cleveland?
  6. oh relax, he’s just a hole to fill. you’ll always be my fuck buddy.
  7. I’m blanking on this. what was the setting?
  8. the internet says it’s less than 5 years old.
  9. Ty's not an idiot. He knows he's not a host. but neither is Sean Bass
  10. I popped over to reddit to see what was up and these were the first two posts. eerie.
  11. if you don’t think we’ll shit the bed at least once this season you have a short fucking memory. and I envy you.
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