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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by SubliminalHorn

  1. Weirder than when a man offered to fist himself if he was wrong about Urban not coming?
  2. I think IF they have decided to let Herman go today, they’ll wait until the b-ball game is over to not take attention off of the team
  3. Yeah now that’s something to pay attention to
  4. I get it, but you should probably add that fourth option
  5. I hope you’re right, but I am readjusting my expectations because Texas
  6. I’ve been there since beating KSU in a semi convincing fashion. I think that’s extending the timeline. I don’t have sources, but it feels like they are having a hard time moving forward with firing Tom. He should have been canned after OU, but definitely after ISU.
  7. How can it be a signed deal but may not work out
  8. I think it’s best we temper our expectations
  9. Tom isn’t getting fired tomorrow after a win today
  10. Amazing episode. My routine of watching it on Saturday mornings makes me feel like a kid again. Can’t wait for the next one. Grogu!
  11. Now the topic is fucking discussion of backwater towns. Hurry up, Urban
  12. God I love corching searches, but once we officially hire Urban, I hope we don’t have another for a while
  13. Tempering my excitement. It is 2020 after all
  14. I took that as them lamenting that fact since they didn’t get Urban.
  15. Christ this is a boring fucking game
  16. I got my PS5 in and it’s pretty fucking awesome. Downloaded Spider-Man: Miles Morales and it’s sweet. Found a LG 65” BX OLED on sale through AAFES Exchange for $500 off and my MIL threw in half the tv price as a xmas gift. The two combined are amazing
  17. My husband is doing his clinicals right now in Tulsa for his CRNA program and is considering canceling his trip down here for thanksgiving 😞. A part of me thinks it’s for the best, the other part of me thinks we’ll be ok if he comes. Thanksgiving is just going to be my roomie, MIL, him, and myself. I don’t know what to do.
  18. I scored the digital bundle from GameStop. It wouldn’t let me add either and I pretty much gave up. Then a few minutes later decided to try one more time and it went through. That was at about 1:45, so for shits and giggles I decided to see if I could get one from wal mart at 2. It instantly went to out of stock.
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