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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by SubliminalHorn

  1. I’m trying to figure that out. Like, it isn’t happening, or it’s a done deal
  2. If true, I think this is what’s happening. Ohio State isn’t losing this game and Urban isn’t getting announced the day after they do
  3. Why is everyone all of a sudden so confident? I haven’t kept up that well today and it looks like I missed something. I know we’re waiting for Ohio state to lose
  4. Absolutely this. They are already required to have certain vaccinations for employment, what’s the difference with this one? Fire their asses.
  5. Why the fuck aren’t we setting up mass vaccination centers for everyone at this point? Fuck this 1A 1B bullshit (and I’m 1A). Our goal is to get EVERYONE vaccinated as quickly as possible. Fuck I’m so ready for a real President to take over and get things moving.
  6. I would be whelmed leaning to under if he is a hired. Would he be better than the past 10 years? How couldn’t he? Would he dethrone ou in the conference? I have my doubts.
  7. I have mine scheduled for Monday at HEB, hopefully they’ll be open. I’ve heard some other colleagues having issues scheduling to get one because they’re being told PTs aren’t eligible. Which makes no sense. I checked the official Texas website and it says we may be in the second tier of 1A, which makes absolutely no sense. So like 1Ab?
  8. I sometimes wonder if I’m crazy or whatever since I am not hanging out with people or planning on visiting family for Christmas. Like am I overreacting? I definitely have to tell myself that I am doing my part even if many others aren’t. That’s all I can do.
  9. Fuckin Suh pretty much ate our OL alive by himself
  10. Happy for y’all that are scoring them. The PS5 is pretty damn sweet. Can’t wait until this spring and summer for new games
  11. Watching it again, I feel like Bo-Katan could have made sure that she explained the great importance that Moff Gideon absolutely had to surrender to her. It’s her fault really. Speak up.
  12. Anyone ever play that PC game back in the day called Tie Fighter? I remember fucking loving that game
  13. Ok reading through here I realize I’m not the only 30something dude tearing up during this show. But fuck it was so good. Cant wait for next season. Mando is in quite the pickle with that sabre sitch.
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