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Everything posted by Hawndoh

  1. so what would be the "normal" early voting date, just in case they do end up challenging the extra early dates?
  2. so are there really just a bunch of Texas Hispanics that are catholic and only vote based on abortion and nothing else? What are the other reasons that group would still vote Trump after everything that has happened?
  3. I never got tired of SNL's Darrel Hammond doing Jesse Jackson stuff.
  4. Without the ad revenue most of the content creators making anything worth watching will leave the platform. Video game content creators have already left YouTube in droves for Twitch. Most of the big names left are on both platforms and their Twitch income dwarves their youtube income.
  5. You probably have ad blockers installed on your laptop and have forgotten about them.
  6. Dude. Use viewpure.com if you are a teacher. Plays your YouTube video without any ads, comments, annotations, etc.
  7. That sounds like a whole other problem, not joycon drift. They definitely have a design flaw, but the typical drift most people are seeing can be dealt with. It's just annoying.
  8. Joycon drift can also be pretty easily fixed with WD-40 Specialist Electrical Contact cleaner. About 8 bucks on Amazon. When joycon drift starts to show up, there is a little rubber flap under the stick you can lift up with a safety pin, and a little squirt of that electrical contact cleaner can get down in there, then move the stick all around for a few seconds. That fixes the drift for a while. I do that about every 6-8 weeks.
  9. Knox: we are also a two teacher family and we got a small 21 foot bunk model RV a couple years ago. We try to take it out a few weekends each Fall and Spring to nearby places, Tawakoni, Ray Roberts, Eisenhower, and Bohnam. If it's a three day weekend a little farther like Mineral Wells or Dinosaur Valley. Then we use it as much as we can in summer when we are both off. Short trips during the middle of the week are great because most parks are pretty empty when it's not the weekend. And every other summer we are trying to do a longer out of state trip. Our only big trip so far was 15 days out to Grand Canyon and then up to Colorado and back. We are hoping to do another long trip this summer of Covid calms down. It isn't a cheap hobby but it's something a two-teacher income can support and we have the time to enjoy it. I pay 50 a month to store it, the thing cost me around 14 grand new I think, then I put in about 2 grand of upgrades and another 1500 in repairs already. Now the wife is eyeing an upgrade and the one she wants is over 20 grand so I'm not saving any money over more traditional vacations. But the family time is awesome and the kids love it.
  10. Ingram was completely gassed after two explosive plays back to back. We should slowed down and subbed in Johnson. We should have called an Ehlinger run if we weren't going to sub Ingram. Ingram was gassed and couldn't get there on the short dive and then reached out in desperation. We slow down and let him catch his breath or substitute we win the game.
  11. Ingram was clearly gassed after two big plays. They should slowed down and subbed on Johnson. Ingram had no explosive energy to try and punch it in.
  12. They'll spend five minutes reversing this and then they'll score on the next play
  13. That worked because Donny's base are idiots and psychopaths. Biden's base is generally rational and empathetic people.
  14. yeah, i doubt trumpkins know the important difference between "dying for" and "dying because of"
  15. They need to entice a new supplier big time. Full court press them. Ford, Audi, BMW, Porsche, Toyota, Nissan even. They all participate in various motorsport. One of them needs to get recruited.
  16. Once Biden is cleared, they should immediately run ads with debate footage... Trump: I don't wear a mask! Cut to "the president has Covid" cut to debate Trump: "he always wears a mask" cut to "Biden does not have Covid"
  17. Trump is a germ, and he loves himself, so clearly not a germophobe.
  18. Depending on how many actual fires or hazard material cases they have dealt with over their career, I could see a firefighter being at higher risk from already sustaining lung damage from smoke and fumes. Even if they're otherwise physically fit.
  19. It's the president. He doesn't have to go to a hospital, that's bad optics. They would bring a hospital to him and set up a full hospital room in the white house somewhere in the middle of the night.
  20. Not a great schedule. Needs a couple more ovals and fewer IMS road courses. Not a fan of double headers either.
  21. 7 I think. There's a couple I don't remember if I've ever tried, and I'll try most things at least once.
  22. On a normal switch you can have up to 8 controllers connected, many games will have same system, same screen multiplayer that way. But if they are all on switch lights and all needing independent screens, most games will require multiple purchases. There is a way to set up accounts so a single purchase can run on more than one system, but it won't allow it to run if it is already running on another system linked to the account. I've had to buy stardew valley on two switches and I've bought two animal crossing cartridges so my daughters can play together using two switches. The other games they play together share screen with one system.
  23. Keep in mind of they all have their own switch, if they want to play multiplayer using all 3 switches you will likely buy the game three times.
  24. It's kind of in Roger's interest to let COTA die and increase the odds of F1 returning to Indy.
  25. Sure why not. They're not going to change or anything between now and then. If there actually was going to be a switch pro by the holidays it would have been announced by now. I'm still not convinced a switch pro will happen.
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