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Everything posted by DaggerHorns

  1. Yup that’s it. I’m going to cost myself and this whole team the super bowl by getting back at Marshawn. Take that.
  2. Checking back in to see when the Moon Tower meet up is going down.
  3. That’s not how it works here. If you fuck up, everyone gets to fuck with you for about a month or until you make a crafty joke about someone’s mother, a dick joke, or if you’re elite enough, a pic of some chick you know splaying open her beef n cheddar with a mound of cocaine on her asshole.
  4. We need someone to start a thread to sort out all the transfer portal stuff.
  5. Went to moon tower last night all night. I don’t believe either party showed.
  6. Same shit, different song. Who gives a fuck about recruiting? Did we ever create a hashtag when we were doing well in recruiting? Do we ever have a passion for our conference? aggy always wanting trophies for everything except actual football wins. They always conveniently forget what this entire fucking thing is about. Wins. Championships. That’s it, nothing else.
  7. His strong Baptist faith that was instilled in him during college will be tested. What an amazing young man.
  8. List your tickets plus those ridiculous pieces of memorabilia for $800 total, then buy my tickets and we all win.
  9. How about $185 per ticket? Lower level, 16th row. Excellent views of cheerleaders! Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
  10. Sec 121 Row 16 All 4 together $800 total. Make an offer! I’m in N Austin. face value is $175 per ticket
  11. He had laced weed and wants to pay for pussy. He may be the most exciting person in the state now that Bob Dole isn’t around.
  12. What did you do when you were in high school?
  13. Saw thread title and thought it was about Figurelli.
  14. Its good. Your current avatar has vibrancy while this one lacks a bit of inspiration. It contains the soulless nature of the booking and the darkness that lies within. Given the morbidity of the proposed avatar, it may align worth more surly personalities/lives.
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