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Everything posted by DaggerHorns

  1. Fiddlesticks! Couldn’t have happened to a better douche...
  2. Some of you are confused about the way this went down or just fucking stupid. its not like they tried to convince their employees to buy more of their own company Enron stock....oh wait, THATS EXACTLY WHAT THEY DID. http://articles.latimes.com/2002/jan/19/news/mn-23640
  3. All of the people that had to restart their retirement plan disagree with you.
  4. Need a new thread over here to fulfill my scat play needs.
  5. White pants after Labor Day. Unfuckingbelievable.
  6. Bobsled is bigger than baseball.
  7. This is the most advanced writing that I’ve ever seen from an Alabama grad.
  8. https://twitter.com/AcademiaAustin/status/1093676673298583553?ref_src=twsrc^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet
  9. Outstanding. I feel disappointed to say good bye to such a great guy. I truly wish him the best.
  10. I heard you the first time. Keep your racist rhetoric inside your own tiny brain.
  11. He was sitting in the left lane with his hazards on at 4am but you went with being “black.” Solid breakdown dickhead.
  12. He’s a grown fucking man. Uber, a cab, or family/friend. Lulz at “asking strangers” or “tweeting” I love Vince and all but if he tweets me at 3 am for a ride, he can let me use his phone to call himself a fucking uber.
  13. Well, it’s Daniel Figurelli, so any amount of sheer insanity on this silly fucker’s Twitter is expected.
  14. This comprehensive breakdown is worthy of using during the hiring process.
  15. Ya’ll stoopit, fuck ayynnm Well said.
  16. Pay scale is self reported. All of the other commentary is great but it’s purely data from a survey. A massive compilation of aggy lies. JTFC
  17. Wrong. If he went to UTD, he would know proper grammar.
  18. I live in the area. I have no kids and I’m a god damn lunatic. Property taxes or lottery tickets, I do my part.
  19. I just offensively exploded in my pants.
  20. SIAP Where can I watch the game tomorrow? In-laws and shit. Brunchfest. Any help is much appreciated.
  21. “Why are they called the sooners, what does that even mean?” Proper comment mate.
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