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Everything posted by 83Horn

  1. Ground ball to second ends it...Texas wins 8-1
  2. Camera men are doing work finding talent in the stands coming out of commercials
  3. So, where's this Oliveras kid been all year? Has he always looked like this?
  4. Longhorns looking good, indeed. Yowzaa!
  5. Or you could think of it this way; every time Ivan hits a home run for the remainder of this season, he will be setting a new record.
  6. To a guy from Australia named "Sweet-chick"
  7. I'll just leave this here. This video/recording was lost, then almost erased after being rediscovered around 2004. The video freezes during their cover of Sunshine of Your Love, but fortunately, the audio continues. Greatness:
  8. 83Horn

    2022 Albums

    This was released a few weeks ago. I had not heard about it until now. It is surprisingly good. Features Billy Gibbons, Doyle Bramhall, Joe Walsh, Joe Bonamassa, and Taylor Hawkins, among others. Deserves a listen:
  9. Danged fat fingers..."swilling" should be "swimming".
  10. I'm thinking at some point, Howard's PI following Kim is going to cross paths with Mike's guys following Jimmy/Kim, and Howard's PI will no longer be an issue. Howard doesn't really understand the depths he's swilling in.
  11. This show is...not good.
  12. When did Ed Grimley become President of The University?
  13. Dang...skipped right over this one. I was only 5 hours late.
  14. I've got information, man...new shit has come to light...she kidnapped herself.
  15. Thought last night's episode was kind of weak, although I found the final scene with Barry and Gene, along with the ending credits, inexplicably gripping. Getting tired of Sally's narcissism, and her whole story line. Hopeful that Noho Hank will soon get back to being the completely amoral, ruthless Hank we all know, instead of the happy, content Hank we've seen so far this season. I think the show would be better served if each episode was one hour instead of 30 minutes as it would be easier to develop characters and story lines.
  16. "Let's drive that ol' Chrysler to Mexico, boy..."
  17. If UTRGV can have a natural grass field and all dirt infield, why can't we?
  18. MANOS, Hands of Fate The Giant Gila Monster
  19. Hmmm...that thing does bear a resemblance to Cletus. Only things missing are the overalls and the dialogue bubble saying, "Furk".
  20. "There's no ambiguity about what happens to Kim, I'll tell you that. " "Episode 3, don't watch it while you're standing on the subway. It's a banger. It's really something." "What's the word that you'd use to best describe what awaits viewers in episode 3? Shattering." Hmmmm...just my speculation, but none of this bodes well for Kim.
  21. My uneducated guess: Also, regarding Mrs. Kettleman; I would happily and vigorously hammer that all night long. The actress playing the part bears an uncanny resemblance to my girlfriend during my junior year at UT. She was fun.
  22. My sister lives in the Bouldin Creek area in a <1000 square foot house built in the late 1930s. I don't know how much of an increase there has been over the past year, but this year her house was assessed at $1.2 million, adjusted down to $700K. Insane. It doesn't seem that long ago that she and I were walking through that neighborhood looking at all the "fixer uppers", wondering if they were overpriced between $55-75K. Now wishing I had taken the plunge. Of course, that was in 1993, so maybe it WAS that long ago.
  23. I had almost forgotten how funny the Howard Stern show used to be. I remember listening around the first time Nelson Mandela visited New York after being released, and Howard had Gilbert and Billy West in the studio at the same time. The three of them, plus Fred Norris just riffing off each other almost made me drive off the side of the road I was laughing so hard.
  24. Uncontrollable Shits would make a pretty good band name
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