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Everything posted by 83Horn

  1. It will be fun. I'm not really sold on USC, but I just picked them out of a process of elimination. I'm used to the SEC getting two playoff slots, and I don't think it'll be different this year. 'Bama will make it because it's what they do. I could see someone other than Georgia getting the other slot, say Florida or maybe even Tennessee. I know, I know, but as much as I hate to admit this, Josh Heupel seems like he might actually be a pretty decent coach, so I could see Tenn sneaking up on teams, and winning. As I said in my last post, the selection committee loves the SEC, so I'm pretty sure that the two SEC division winners will probably be in the playoffs. That leaves only two more slots for the remaining three major conferences. I believe Ohio State will win the Big 10, and may go undefeated doing so. They're close to being an automatic bid. Now we're down to 1 slot for the remaining two major conferences. I'll admit, I don't know enough about ACC teams to have an opinion on any of them. Outside of Clemson, I just don't see a 1-loss ACC team making the playoff, and I don't see anyone going undefeated in that conference. That leaves the Big XII and PAC 12 vying for the last slot. Total crap shoot for both conferences...and I mean that in more ways than one. As stated in my previous posting, I just don't see Okie State going undefeated, or even having only one loss. Baylor? I guess it's possible, in the way that anything is possible, but I don't see them getting a bid either. Much of this comes down to who the selection committee will pick, and I don't see them picking Baylor unless, MAYBE they're undefeated, and that ain't happening. That leaves Texas or OU for the Big XII, and the only way either of them make it is if they have no more than 1 loss. Maybe it's the homer in me, but Texas has it within them to beat everyone else in the Big XII. Am I saying they will? Absolutely not, but there isn't another team in this conference that they can't beat, so it's not beyond possibility that Texas finishes the regular season 11-1, with the only loss being to 'Bama, then winning the conference championship game. Would a 12-1, Big XII champion Texas team make the playoffs? Absolutely...it's just not happening I think a 9-3 regular season with a bowl win is more realistic...and that goes for OU also. What about Iowa St. or any other team in the conference? See Baylor above. All a long winded way of saying that I don't see the Big XII getting a team in the playoffs this year. That leaves the PAC 12. I picked USC because I'm thinking Lincoln Riley and his spiffy new transfers will find a way to win enough games to get the PAC 12 Championship, and the selection committee would love to have USC in the playoffs, because USC. I could just as easily see Utah making a run, but like Okie State, they just have a way of tripping over their own dicks at just the right time. So, I could just as easily replace Georgia with Florida or Tennessee, or whomever wins the SEC East. I could also replace USC with an undefeated or 1-loss Clemson, or an undefeated Utah, but I'm sticking with my original picks as the most likely. Let the games begin.
  2. Stop it...he was not. One never had a winning season, and was 0-1 in bowl games; the other never had a losing season, and was 4-0 in bowl games. Still not what we expect from Texas football, but to say that one was as bad as the other is just stupid and lazy.
  3. I was going to list Alabama, Georgia, Ohio State and USC as my four, but after reading OP's write-up, it's hard to argue against leaving Georgia and USC off. Then again, Georgia may not be 'Bama, but they have been stacking talent for at least 5 years and have been consistently good for as long, so I am leaving them in my four for no other reason than they are probably better as SEC runner-up than most other conference champions will be, and the selection committee loves them some SEC. I am less convinced that USC will make it, but I also think the Big XII will not make the playoffs unless the Big XII champ has no more than 1 loss AND is named either Texas or Oklahoma. I guess Okie State could make it, but I don't see that happening unless they go undefeated...and I don't see that happening. They will have their annual, soul crushing loss to OU, plus one head scratching loss to someone else...it's what they do. So, all that being said, I'm leaving my four as: Alabama, Georgia, Ohio State, USC
  4. Maybe not necessarily a divorce album, but this certainly deals with handling "marital problems", and the aftermath. Probably one of the 2 or 3 greatest albums ever recorded, in any genre.
  5. Dang. Missed the premier, but this looks like it might be good:
  6. Yeah, I'm going to go ahead and disagree with you there. The BCS scene where Mike kills Werner, the German construction foreman in charge of the team building Fring's lab, is the most gut wrenching, yet beautifully done scene in the whole BB/BCS series. Film making/acting just doesn't get any better than this.
  7. Yes, it probably can be, but it's really not worth the effort, for those writing it or reading it, which should tell you everything you need to know.
  8. Yeah, It's almost as if the writers are admitting that seasons 2-4 were unnecessarily confusing clusterfucks, and so they decided to circle back to the beginning to try again. It was either that, or have someone wake up, revealing that it was all just a dream. Just my uninformed opinion. YMMV.
  9. As an 8 year old growing up in northern New Jersey who learned in August 1969 that our family was moving to Houston the following summer, I immediately became enamored of all things related to Texas. The first college football game I remember watching was the 1969 Texas/Arkansas game. I was hooked...pun intended. Steve Worster's name was the first Longhorn name I learned, along with Darrell Royal. RIP, Mr. Worster.
  10. 83Horn

    sec sec sec

    Bevo Bucks??? Sheeeeeit. In reality, that guy would have just whipped it out (the wallet, that is), and said, "Alright...and I'm paying for this dumbass, too."
  11. Dogs are pack animals, and you and your wife are his pack. He probably just wants to sleep with his pack. Would your wife be amenable to moving the crate into your bedroom? Of course, if you tried this, Samson would likely be on the bed before the night was over, so it may be a hard sell.
  12. Bump. because I wish they'd hurry up with this. I really enjoyed season one, and am looking forward to some new episodes. I saw a couple other sites that speculated the new season might be released by October or November of this year, but since they admit they're just speculating, I don't know how much credence to give them. https://variety.com/2022/tv/news/csi-wallace-langham-perry-mason-season-2-hbo-1235307030/
  13. Hmmmm...perhaps, but I don't think he would have reacted so violently if it was someone other than Kim stonewalling him. In that case, I think he would have just immediately begun planning a new way to get to Kim. It seems to me that he was talking to Kim, trying to convince her to get back together, and she wasn't having any of it, and either she hung up on him, or his coins ran out and the call ended abruptly. His reaction is like he is breaking bad again, again due to a rejection from Kim.
  14. Just an observation from a casual viewer, but if Frankie hasn't seen her father in 15-20 or so years, and all of a sudden there he is, having not aged one tiny bit since he disappeared, wouldn't that be a dead giveaway that he's probably not your father, especially since you should now be almost paranoid about the likelihood that your loved ones are actually android replicas of your loved ones?
  15. I may be misremembering my history, but I believe the Axis was more than Germany. The members of the Axis powers were Germany, Italy and Japan.
  16. I get what you're saying, but that is not what I intended to imply. I was responding to a comment which was implying that Texas had not had any QBs worth having since Colt was on campus, which is dumb. We've had several good QBs in recent years, all of whom were wasted by bad coaching and/or shitty O lines.
  17. Well, it is well known that Surlyites bang only 10s, so...
  18. This probably belongs in the "Blind squirrel finds a nut" category, but I'll give myself a pat on the back for this one.
  19. Hmmm...if Robert Plant went out on tour with John Paul Jones and a couple session musicians, and called themselves Led Zeppelin, would it really be Led Zeppelin? Nope. Would it be good? Maybe, maybe even great, but it wouldn't be Led Zeppelin.
  20. Yes, the guy who Turtle Tom benched because he didn't fit the preferred mold of a battering ram of a QB. Shane was an excellent QB.
  21. It doesn't seem that farfetched to me. I think the issue was that Gus went to the laundromat merely on a hunch that Lalo might be there, but he wasn't sure. He probably didn't say anything to his crew about the possibility of Lalo being there, he just brought them along because he couldn't leave the house without a security detail, therefore the team wasn't looking for anything, or anyone specific. Even when Gus spotted the exhaust fan that had been disabled, he didn't say anything to anyone about what he thought it might mean, and by then, it was too late for the security detail anyway. Was the security detail lax? Sure, but as someone mentioned up thread somewhere, the A team guys were probably with Mike, and Gus had the B team.
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