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Willfully Horn

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Willfully Horn

  1. Three round capacity. Or less, of course. As for space, and size, and gun safe deflections:
  2. You’re right. My sentence was flawed. It should have ended: “… I will do whatever it takes to solve the problem.”
  3. I reject the idea that self defense requires the ability to shoot three plus times before reloading. So, my shotgun serves my needs. I have no issue asking the same of others. If stopping the killing were important enough to you, you’d vote to try and solve the problem. Which is, of course, the easy availability of guns due to sheer volume.
  4. @fattyflattie laughs often at ideas that make him uncomfortable. He admits he is not too smart; certainly he seems incapable of holding too contrary thoughts in mind at the same time. An example would be that the gun problem is hopeless and also that we must do whatever possible to solve the gun problem. He goes with the former idea, because he is too cowardly to embrace the latter. And, of course, he is not alone. Writ large, that cowardice is truly a both sides issue. Yes, I speak of the obscenely bloated military budget. But that is a discussion for another thread.
  5. Lying piece of shit. Abortion before quickening was not illegal until the 1860s.
  6. RJ doesn’t provide a link to his data, but, folks over 40, and under 20, vaccinate their kids in numbers that pull up the average. “As of January 4, 2023, the CDC recorded: 1.9 million US children ages 6 months-4 years have received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine Representing 11% of 6 months-4 year-olds” https://www.aap.org/en/pages/2019-novel-coronavirus-covid-19-infections/children-and-covid-19-vaccination-trends/
  7. You know who sees a lot of clown shows? Clowns. Swine? Really? In my day, I did a bit of teaching. Never called one who had yet to learn a swine.
  8. Authority is less about consent of the governed and more about a shared belief that authorities know what the hell they are doing, and that they do so under the rule of truth, to paraphrase a Michael Ventura observation. The CDC’s truth has been called into question, but what I find most telling is the implication that everyone is wrong, except for the outlier dissidents. John Hopkin’s, the American Academy of Pediatricians, and the American Lung Organization all agree that children should be vaccinated. But, it’s all a big conspiracy. The deep state. This ongoing narrative makes Putin types happy. Color me surprised. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiy54-Fx9_8AhXXlGoFHVZJBQAQFnoECAkQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.lung.org%2Fblog%2Fwhy-children-should-get-covid-19-vaccine&usg=AOvVaw3HbsVHNCEsTvCjLad3Ldte https://www.aap.org/en/pages/2019-novel-coronavirus-covid-19-infections/children-and-covid-19-vaccination-trends/ https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/covid19-vaccine-what-parents-need-to-know
  9. @Skipper, the vaccine is good at two things, reducing the chance of infecting others, and lessening the harm of infection. Given the likelihood that children will be infected repeatedly, as will adults, minimizing the effects of Covid infection is critical, for there is evidence that subsequent infection is more harmful than the first. As you noted, the belief that herd immunity will solve the Covid problem was wrong. I suggest that your belief that Covid will negligibly affect healthy kids and college students might also be wrong. https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/repeat-covid-is-riskier-than-first-infection-study-finds-2022-11-10/
  10. Hey, Skip, the shots not only slow transmission rates, they mitigate the damage caused by the virus. Given that multiple infections can lead to more serious outcomes, I think the benefit of shots for tots is mostly about trying to limit the damage caused by what will likely be a dozen (more?) infections before the age of thirty. There were folks convinced herd mentality would be a thing. They were wrong. You seem convinced that contracting Covid isn’t harmful for healthy kids. What if you’re wrong? Again, there is evidence multiple infections can have a cumulative effect. I’m sorry the boosters were tough on you. I am lucky, neither the vid, or flu, or any other vax, was particularly tough for me. Maybe that’s why I’d urge parents to err on the side of caution. Which, as you seem to criticize, is trusting the doctors.
  11. Different, but the same. If the center looks right, or left, wing from where you’re standing, you aren’t that close to the center.
  12. The Fred must have had a stroke. He moves to his right while spotting the ball,
  13. I agree with anyone who said the block could be a blessing and good omen. Maybe.
  14. Best thing about FOX’s coverage is the spund guy playing the Dead.
  15. I can understand that when one’s appearance matches one’s belief of who they are, they are happier. It’s as simple as that. How’s your quest to blow up the numbers, parsing individuals given testosterone from individuals given estradiol, going? Surely you’d announce if your pet theory did not follow the data, right?
  16. Nope. Didn’t read it. I’m not to the point that I mistrust peer reviewed research, nor really adept at deciphering the details of such, in this field. I would be surprised if the summary differs from the facts. And I am surprised the details aren’t readily available to those wanting to dispute a conclusion that jibes with human nature.
  17. I do not. You can ask Stanford, though. https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2022/01/mental-health-hormone-treatment-transgender-people.html
  18. Thanks to @Horn Under a Bad Sign, I know where to find Michael Ventura’s “Letters at 3AM” archive. It has been a quarter of a century since Ventura’s thoughts were an active influence on my worldview. I had missed this column, dated Feb 16, 2018. “Nineteen years ago – May 28, 1999 – the Chronicle published a "Letters at 3am" column concerning the Columbine High School massacre in Littleton, Colorado. Two boys murdered 13 and wounded 20 before killing themselves. I looked up that column again after 17 were murdered at a Florida high school, the umpteenth school shooting this year so far. My column of 1999 follows; (spoilered;) I see no reason to change a word. Because we’ve learned nothing since and we’ve done nothing.”
  19. It fucking downgraded the credit rating of the USA. And prolonged the Great Recession. Which was yet another fine mess Rs left us. Might as well put our national debt on that list.
  20. Who could have seen this coming? Certainly no one can criticize AZ selling the water rights of their “emergency” aquifer to SA, during tfg’s America First, and (inshallah) only, term. Amirite? Arizona suburb sues the city of Scottsdale for cutting off its water supply https://www.cnbc.com/2023/01/17/arizona-suburb-sues-scottsdale-for-cutting-off-its-water-supply-.html
  21. In Captain Obvious news: Transgender teens receiving hormone treatment see improvements to their mental health
  22. It’s a bit more than that. Which I am sure you understand. I can’t find the essay online, but Michael Ventura wrote about this last century, and warned that our lack of such events were societally dangerous. Rites of passage are not equivalent to nutting. They might have involved real, or perceived, deadly consequences. Scary, masked figures taking a knife and cutting foreskin, and whatnot. That’s the language societies evolved to address young men. I think Ventura was right in warning of the cost of having no such demarcation event.
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