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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Dbeasy

  1. Brisket is summarizing superbly what I’ve been trying for pages to get the Palestinian sympathizers here to admit. But posters like Dennison won’t, which is no surprise. Accept Israel’s right to exist in exchange for a two state solution. That’s been on the table for a long time and the right to exist has never been delivered. The Oslo solution was flawed both ways. The sides couldn’t deliver on that. So what is Israel supposed to do? The pressure on both sides has continued to ratchet up and more is coming. Palestinians were conquered. They either accept a reasonable two state solution or it gets worse.
  2. It’s sad that this much money is going to a shitty rube, as opposed to the thousands of really good causes it could have gone to.
  3. And what did Egypt do differently than other Arab neighbors? They signed a peace agreement that recognized Israel’s right to exist. And then, tada, Israel returned land to them. There’s a path to peace that some are refusing to consider.
  4. I haven't seen any post that describes how to solve it. There is no clear path to the Arab world accepting Israel. The US Saudi pact currently being negotiated is a tiny wedge into that but not a solution. There is no clear path to the Palestinian people to eject the extremists from running their government. There is no clear path to the Israeli people ejecting their far right extremist government. There is no clear path to reducing actions and tensions on either side. I don't think anyone sees a solution anytime soon. If you want to fantasize about a potential path, maybe Iran and Saudi Arabia become great friends and declare Israel can exist. For that to happen, somehow the citizens of Iran would have to overthrow their government again, and the Saudi prince would have to cross the finish line on the negotiations over Israel. Maybe that would be a path, but highly improbable. Interestingly, if that did happen, it would make the Middle Eastern powers much more powerful globally.
  5. This thread seems to be caught up in what bad deeds Israel and Hamas are currently doing, while not addressing the fundamental root cause of the entire issue. Of course Israel believes it has a right to exist. The problem is that large chunks of the Arab world don’t, and are using Hamas as a tool to fight it. And of course Hamas probably doesn’t represent the broader views of the Palestinian people. But ultimately, Israel has been stuck because a large faction of the Arab world will not acknowledge their right to exist. Until this is accepted, the atrocities on both sides will continue to escalate. It is their way of putting pressure on the other side to achieve their ultimate objectives. It is simply a war strategy. You can be mad about Israel’s behavior and Hamas’ behavior in this conflict, and pick a side based upon that. But the only solution to this issue is for the Arab world and the Palestinian government to accept Israel’s right to exist and a two state solution. The ball is in and has been in the Arab world’s and Palestinian’s “court” for decades. Israel has even shown in the past to give up territories to countries that sign peace agreements (Egypt). So while it’s terrible seeing some of the behaviors of Israel towards the Palestinians, ultimately the Palestinians can stop it, and just won’t. I find it difficult to blame Israel nearly as much as the other side given all of this.
  6. To just follow on to the earlier post, doesn’t the selection of a side and all of the arguing in this thread and in the world come down to the simple fact that one side says Israel should exist and one side says it shouldn’t? And the basis for each side’s position is the point in time when a certain set of people had conquered that land?
  7. So……a few people have tried to answer my question but unfortunately the results are still muddy. Let me try again to clarify the question I’m asking: Is the root issue of this conflict the fact that Palestines refuse to accept Israel’s right to exist, and won’t accept a limited second state? Or do you have a different view? Why? Again I don’t care about Hamas, because they may or may not represent the views of the greater Palestinian population, so stop referencing them. Do the majority of Palestinians accept the right of Israel to exist? Yes or no? Would they accept a second state? Yes or no? Is this the root cause of the conflict? Yes or No? And if no, why not and what is?
  8. No that is exactly my question. I’m not talking about Hamas. I’m asking about the Palestinian people. What do they believe and want?
  9. I have a few questions for some of the opinionated people on this thread like Fantana, Bullneck, and anyone else that wants to chime in. The struggle with understanding and picking sides with all of these international conflicts is the fact that land ownership and who conquers who changes all the time. Is the root issue of this conflict the fact that Palestines refuse to accept Israel’s right to exist, and won’t accept a limited second state? Or do you have a different view? Why?
  10. It is not an obscure story, and it is interesting. In other news Boas Hogg was diagnosed with stunted mind growth disease. And a short penis.
  11. Dbeasy

    3rd and 9

    Texas had just lost a year ago on kicking a field goal and then watching Alabama March down the field in a minute to win. College football today is littered with games where a team marches down the field in a minute to win. The defense struggled all day to contain Gabriel and stop the OU offense. Sark himself has said multiple times he wants to play aggressive to win. The other plays in the game are not relevant to the question of whether this was a bad play call or not. Texas had an opportunity to keep the ball to the end of the game and the play call should be evaluated in that context, not ifs and buts of other plays. Texas had shown a few times the ability to execute successful plays of that distance on 3rd down and ensure Ewers didn’t get sacked. They rolled him out, etc It was a horrible play call and it cost them the game and possibly the national championship. Only pussies defend the call.
  12. Dbeasy


    All or nothing takes on whether it was coaching or execution is a waste of time. Many mistakes in execution are coaching mistakes, and many are just players doing the wrong thing. In looking at the game holistically, there is no question Texas got out coached on both sides of the ball, and Texas’ special teams out coached OU special teams. On offense, the OU defensive scheme limited downfield plays and brought enough pressure to bother Ewers. On defense, most people knew Gabriel could and would run and the staff didn’t have a good enough game plan to stop it. And with all of the above, players made mistakes and players got hurt. It sucked.
  13. Nothing like getting up at 3 am with excitement about going to my first Texas OU game in several years, after having seen many in person starting in 1982. I’m pumped.
  14. Stop with the Jefferies as speaker fantasy. That’s ridiculous.
  15. I may have scored a last minute free ticket and am driving up tomorrow am. Has anyone done that for the 11 am kickoff? How bad is the traffic? How long to get there? I’m worried that with the Rangers it could be tough.
  16. I’m still waiting to hear all of these supposedly awesome conservative ideas and policies that Porterhouse has ready to debate in a more welcoming CR environment. Strange that he doesn’t list even a few.
  17. When I look back on my own political awakening, it pisses me off it took me so long to become aware of all of the Republican bullshit. Always an independent, I tended to be slightly conservative due to fiscal concerns, and beliefs around individual responsibility. 2015 was a major year for me. Despite it being obvious for years, I finally realized how the Fox News propaganda train was destroying the country. I caught on to Trump early during the primary and didn’t vote for him, but amazingly kept thinking he might govern differently once in office, until a few weeks after he took office it was obvious that his moronic behavior would continue. In retrospect that was ridiculous to think he would not be a total embarrassment. I do think there’s hope for the future. I connected with two Trumpers last week that I hadn’t talked to in awhile and they are done with him and other radicals. Unfortunately, one them operates in the rarified air of the super rich, and he said a bunch of those folks are not only still on the Trump bandwagon, they still believe all the QAAnon conspiracy bill shit.
  18. Several Republicans have confirmed that McCarthy did not offer the Democrats anything to save him. There is no way the Dems could have voted to keep him given that. It would have made zero sense. Amazing that McCarthy didn’t work out some sort of offer for the Democrats with the 210 republicans who supported him. So stupid.
  19. Let’s make our speaker picks. I think they elect Jim Jordan. That would suck.
  20. I’m looking for someone who has done residential lot redevelopment in Austin, ie scrape a lot of existing old house and rebuild one or more new houses/condos/duplexes on it. DM me if you know someone.
  21. What is McCarthy blabbering about in his failure speech
  22. Paul Begala rocking with the Longhorn sticker on his laptop. Cool.
  23. I can’t see any scenario where Gaetz doesn’t get booted from Congress. The moderates have to weaken that group and the ethic investigation gives them cover to do it, unless the wizard of oz behind the curtain won’t allow the Pubs to do it. But I have a hard time believing the true decision makers behind the curtain are aligned either.
  24. Regardless of the ultimate outcome, McCarthy has been an interesting TV series. I was glued to the TV laughing my ass off during the 15 rounds of voting.
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