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Hank Kingsley

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hank Kingsley

  1. If you can't handle a school shooting by middle school age, it's time to grow up!
  2. Caught one of my white whales today. I have never ever seen a Michter’s on a shelf that wasn’t their standard bourbon/rye/sour mash/unblended whiskey...until today. Priced at $159, which is a secondary price I happily paid. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I will say it's the dumbest shit in the world that Biden gets heartburn over the legalization of marijuana. That is an uncontested slam dunk win for him and the Democrats that HAS to be delivered.
  4. True, but "reform the police" has never been an actual slogan. With cell phone captures, the world is now seeing a lot of the police bullshit they rarely saw even a decade ago. People now understand it's a big problem, but many are going to simply balk when using the word "defund". It's a non-starter. Progressive activism is great and productive. But politicians have to be smarter about how they phrase things. We live in a world where Republicans call Biden a "leftist" and leftists call Biden a "Republican". It's all so fucking stupid and a recipe for a stalemate. I wish more leftists would change their strategy and embrace Biden's progressive rhetoric.
  5. I mean, "reform the police" is clearly easier to digest.
  6. When the entire party and its constituents' messaging is disingenuous bullshit, it's easier to get everyone on board.
  7. Yelling "FAKE NEWS!" was always a cover for Republicans to continue lying and spreading disinformation. The truth is meaningless to them.
  8. DOT now has a chief science officer for the first time in almost 40 YEARS. "I look forward to working across all modes of transportation to address the immediate concerns, and to ensure our future transportation system is sustainable," Hampshire said. "It is important that [the transportation department] incorporate scientific research to advance climate change initiatives that are fair and equitable to all."
  9. People frown on younger blood being high up in government because of a "lack of experience", but this is the shit you get from 80 year old politicians who have been in Washington since the Reagan years. Enough of this shit.
  10. Finally opened a bottle of Smoke Wagon Uncut & Unfiltered. Delicious.
  11. 8 more families needlessly destroyed. Children and grandchildren will be affected for years and years. God knows how many employees that will have trauma from this. Which will negatively affect their personal lives as well. Plenty of them and their families will be fucked up for years, with some of them not even understanding trauma and how it affects every other part of their lives and the people they interact with. We are systematically destroying society and Republicans won't lift a finger.
  12. You know the GOP is full of shit when they always blame people and mental health issues instead of guns, yet they don't lift one fucking finger to deal with mental health.
  13. GOP politicians using "senseless" is the code word for "well, there's nothing we can do about it and we won't do shit about it".
  14. Yeah, I'm not a fan either.
  15. Republicans are in government to delegitimize government.
  16. HenryGandorf sent me the bourbon Chicken Cock a couple of months ago, and I bought the rye Chicken Cock last week at Total Wine. I uncorked both cocks over the weekend, and I have to admit they were both pretty tasty. The bourbon cock unloaded a 90 proof version of John J. Bowman/Buffalo Trace. It went down the throat like butter. The rye cock was also easy to swallow, with your typical rye notes (herbal tea, cinnamon) and someone clearly ate some pineapple when making it. Both cocks were pricey ($60-70), so I don’t necessarily recommend multiple grabs. But it’s a fun vessel, ribbed for your pleasure. Worth experimenting with when feeling frisky. You only live once. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. A lot of TW picks end up with the "Master Distiller Selected" tag.
  18. Definitely. This really only makes sense for a handful of big cities at the moment.
  19. I'm not well versed with congestion pricing. I know a lot of progressive NYers have been calling for it for years. Why would the public transit system only cater to high earners?
  20. Unfortunately this has become an issue on the left as well. If they don't like the messenger, they don't like the idea. If Bernie publicly supported the VMT, all these leftist Twitter dipshits wouldn't be so mad. If Warren was proposing the VMT, Hugo would be peppering this thread defending it. I know it's almost exclusively a Twitter thing, but Buttigieg Derangement Syndrom is very real.
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