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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UTGrad98

  1. Once the first major change to our country occurs, sending rose v wade back as state law etc, the democrats will either set term limits retroactively, expand the size of the court to 11 or both. I think they will also grant statehood to 2 territories, if not more so the Senate imbalance is more of an even playing field. As long as the court keeps their shit to themselves there will not be any changes. Basically what I'm saying is "I fucking dare you."
  2. Wont the Democrats feel awkward posting here?
  3. But if I join your discord channel you'll see my gamer name. Deezmassivenutz.
  4. Some (most) of the time I am pissed off being a Democrat. We are a bunch of pussies. It's no wonder Republicans have the power they do. We fucking hand it to them time and time and time again. Singing kumbaya while ruthless motherfuckers slit your throat will never work. And we never learn. Lincoln project needs to be on permanent consultation. Fucking christ we are such pussies.
  5. I am not a horrible person but I have never donated any money to any cause ever. My wife donates to Habitat for Humanity and she signs all of our Christmas cards and that's good enough for me. I told her this morning I was thinking of supporting this site since I am here so much and she said, "So the first thing you are ever going to donate to is a football board?" It hit me that maybe Im not a great person. Anyway...subscribed....
  6. Have you checked the middle finger girl thread?
  7. I live in a pretty nice neighborhood in flower mound in denton county and so far I've seen 4 or 5 biden signs. I have yet to see a trump sign. When I voted yesterday the lady in front of me had a lisd employee badge so I'm counting that as a Democrat vote too.
  8. Took off work today and voted. Flower Mound community activity center. Took about 45 minutes. Very quiet and business-like feeling to it. Did my part to turn Denton co blue. 53%-45% Cruz in 2018. Curious to see how it will look this year.
  9. The older you get the more you need to squeeze every drop of joy out of life you can. And by squeeze I mean boobs.
  10. Going to start my dungeons and dragons group back up.
  11. Another fucking great call by Herman with that timeout on a play that looked like it would not convert....Fucking Christ
  12. This is right out of the North Korea playbook.
  13. Wife and I finished season 2 last night. I'll echo what others have said, it's written for gen x. As long as the focus remains on Johnny's character we will keep watching. Thought the jokes were even better in season 2 but so was the cheese factor. All of the fight scenes were so bad they were good. Every character arc but Johnny's and Miguel's are terrible or terribly written but my wife and I dont really care. We like the show for what it is.
  14. At best, this will become a state by state decision to allow for abortions. It will slow liberal migrations to states like Texas thereby keeping a Republican senate majority more difficult to overcome. The red states will stay red for a lot longer. California and South Dakota each having 2 senators is a tough pill to swallow right now. I am pretty angry so I wont type what I think so Ill just say RIP.
  15. And every single one of them benefits me and my family. Yet my dumb ass votes against my own self interests in every single election to try and help them out. Thanks for the extra 3k a year I save in taxes you fucking idiots. Maybe Ill go and remodel my second solarium.
  16. THIS is how you get reps with our back ups. Change the players, not the game plan. Back up QBs and WRs cant get the experience by handing off every play in the 4th quarter. First game I have ever seen in my life as a Texas fan where this has happened. Why is this so hard?
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