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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UTCzech III

  1. Straight outta "Intensity" by Dean Koontz. Wow.
  2. I mean, I realize it's not nearly as appetizing as a big plate of lutefisk, but c'mon man...
  3. No way in hell he wrote this one...
  4. Well, this year is off to a shitty start. It may be fluff, but it's a pretty damn near flawless piece of fluff, perfect pop gem: And before that he was a touring member of the Beach Boys and really helped Denny Wilson branch out into his own as a songwriter, they co-wrote this one: Sail on, sailor.
  5. So "shaggytx", who I assume is Kevin Morgan killed 5 hookers and 1 website and just renamed blacklab's screen name, hasn't visited the site since 9/13, and "ShagyTex10", who was going to supply all this great original content, hasn't visited since 8/22. Christ. The inmates are truly running the asylum ( 'sup mofo, we know you lurk here, couldn't even bother to show up and wish your butt buddy wolfie a happy christmas, SAD!)
  6. I just watched a show on that last week, on the Smithsonian Channel, called Lost Tapes, a series, they are really good, lots of local tv and radio reports you don't normally see. The one about the 74 Super Outbreak was insane, surprised more people didn't die back then. https://www.smithsonianchannel.com/videos/the-1974-double-twister-that-hit-alabama/64668
  7. UTCzech III

    Billy Joel

    No doubt. I had this orig. on cassette when it came out then got the CD later. I'd even throw in that version of Everybody Loves You Now, it flat out smokes. Three in a row, just phenomenal, such a great band behind him.
  8. UTCzech III

    Billy Joel

    You can hear at 1:27, Billy gives a shout out to Richie, like he wanted a sax solo right there. I bet if you can find the demo there is probably a solo there before the bridge, or a vamp for one to be added later. Since Richie left during the recording of the album, no solo.
  9. Damn, forgot one or my favorites, since you rarely see it on TV anymore, but before "The Waltons" there was a stand-alone TV movie called The Homecoming. It's really good. You can find it on youtube.
  10. UTCzech III

    Billy Joel

    Very cool. (Outta rep for the day, will hit you up tommorow.)
  11. UTCzech III

    Billy Joel

    Liberty, Richie and Russell Javors formed a Billy Joel cover band, the Lords of 52nd Street (Doug Stegmeyer committed suicide in 1995, sad story). They're not half bad.
  12. This right fucking here, or any apple/phone commercial that tries to find the hippest/coolest/outta the box song for their commercials. Yeah I'm old, but your songs suck.
  13. OK, from search it looks like there is scattered Christmas movie talk going on in several threads, but we need a proper thread for this. What ya got? Me, never really got into It's a Wonderful Life until well into adulthood, was and still am a Miracle on 34th Street guy. I'm a train nut, so Polar Express is a natural for me. Big fan of the George C. Scott version of A Christmas Carol. A Christmas Story, goes without saying (yeah I just said it), 24 hours on TBS is always on in the background at our house. And my favorite, mentioned on the old site as well, none other than the gang of Stalag 17. Play us somethin', Joey.
  14. Always playing silly games.
  15. UTCzech III

    Billy Joel

    Yeah, being a trumpet player that's by far my favorite. Here's an extended version with the unedited Freddie Hubbard solos...
  16. UTCzech III

    Billy Joel

    "So they cut it down to three-oh-five" I have the single, it is - wait for it - 3:05
  17. UTCzech III

    Billy Joel

    This song ls a slow burn, but I really like it, channeling his inner Righteous Brothers, much better than anything off of An Innocent Man... Very underrated live album, great versions of his early catalog. Let's do some Ronettes... Perfect ending to his best album, really sums up the themes of lost idealism, unfulfilled promises and expectations, broken dreams...
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