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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by IDIOTsavant

  1. Sounds like it would’ve only lasted until you had to take a piss anyway.
  2. Any chance you could make it a pic of himself wearing this shirt? https://breakingt.com/products/love-altuve
  3. Being overweight with high cholesterol doesn’t make me a pussy….just Surly.
  4. It’s all a misunderstanding over the definition of seed money.
  5. Can we get back on track and Swiss the subject back to recruiting, please? The cheese discussion has rennets course.
  6. Hopefully, Maldy…because that means there’s zero chance he is in the fucking game.
  7. He was #1 in the 247 composite. That’s about as good a metric as any.
  8. Woke up under a rug on the floor of Jester….I lived off Riverside. Had to go get my car after it was towed because I hurriedly parked in the wrong spot trying to make it back from a family function to my first game as a student.
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