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Degenerate Gardner

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Everything posted by Degenerate Gardner

  1. And then become an elected US state representative. Sorry I didn’t finish that thought.
  2. That’s badass. If you spring for the 4wd conversion I’d totally be in.
  3. Glass houses, people. Who here didn’t once have a smelly pirate hooker phase in their lives?
  4. Those elks aren’t diving voluntarily. More like pushed elks making the best of it.
  5. The same ones that wear coaches shorts Hate those they used to play sports
  6. Almost feels like coordinated media messaging by a couple of traitorous Russian stooges. Dotard contended today that the US forced Russia to invade Ukraine. The puppets are dancing.
  7. Practice, grasshopper
  8. I confidently skipped the 2nd half for a mushroom festival. If they blew a 28 point 2nd Half lead, I didn’t want to be there to see it.
  9. From the outside you can’t understand it and from the inside, I forget
  10. Playoffs are based on rankings rankings are based on perceptions and metrics Ou has 3 conference losses. They’re not a threat to win the conference. however - and follow me here- they play some teams whose losses might benefit us in ultimately winning the conference The enemy of my enemy is my friend It’s odd this is controversial to you or needs to be explicitly spelled out.
  11. Ztejas also negs when his/her hysterical bitchass posts of woe are disagreed with. Nuff said.
  12. Apart from the Horns winning out, I hope OU turns it around somewhat. At least enough to put some hurt on conference opponents.
  13. Be that as it may, but he’s apparently far from astute with menstrual cycles.
  14. Boo fucking hoo. The rules are always changing. When looking for guidance, try classics like the Golden Rule. Or dust off chestnuts like “they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Except really mean it this time.
  15. I sure as shit ain’t accepting a free Bloody Mary from one of those gals.
  16. In all probability. our clumsy hands will already be full trying to make crops grow with Brawndo.
  17. These are despicable people who would make your compassionate response a strategic error.
  18. If you can look past the fact that he’s unrepentantly pro-rising sea level, Desantis is exactly the leader this country needs in a hurricane.
  19. Either that or they’ll be surreptitiously placing live squirrels around the debate space that will be strategically released so that Herschel can shout “Look, Squirrel!” in the invariably many awkward moments. he’s gonna need a lot of squirrels.
  20. Be that as it may, I’m not sure smart is the exact problem. Some conventionally smart people embrace Trump. It seems not to be all about intelligence but a deficit of another kind. Decency? Humanity? Honesty?
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