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Degenerate Gardner

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Everything posted by Degenerate Gardner

  1. Mission accomplished on getting some space from her pesky family, I guess.
  2. RIP Shirl. I remember her being in The First Nudie Musical back in cable’s early days. Young DG was disappointed after finding the film leaned heavily musical with scant nudity.
  3. Not talking to you only, but if the Horns don’t survive and advance to the NCG, a not insignificant part of me hopes to see a Tennessee-Marquette final that ends in a tie so all the repetitive, petty heads here can finally explode and get it the fuck over with.
  4. I wonder which witch didn’t have a square to spare? My guess is they both use the whole rolls to own the libs.
  5. I was crushed with the Beard saga. Totally pulled the rug out from me. I had to mourn the loss of what I had imagined would be: years of enjoying a successful program with him at the helm. Now, I’m pretty much over that and just enjoying the games. The team has responded better than I expected. Losing Beard is weirdly freeing in terms of expectations; we’re now as much of an underdog that #10 in the country could be. Instead of anxiously waiting for our favorite to falter, I’m seeing a group deal with adversity and succeeding. All said, I can’t complain too much at this point.
  6. Small irony given all the California shootings: as you enter Yakima, the sign says “Welcome to the Palm Springs of Washington!” The illusion fades quickly though. It becomes immediately obvious that Yakima’s more like Fresno.
  7. I’m in after starting Jan 5. Lagunitas Hoppy Refresher and a spate of Q ginger beers have filled the slot fine. There are moments when it occurred to me I wanted a drink, but fortunately the lonely, unfinished bottles of booze we have at home are not irresistible. I am so very grateful for that.
  8. It’s been a whole 2 years since one party staged a violent coup to remain in power, and many in the party are incapable of even admitting that basic reality. You have lost any credibility or moral higher ground you ever had. Shove your clutched pearls.
  9. Good call. I drive by Silver Falls on my way to Portland via Salem when traveling from the east.
  10. The one place I’d consider adding is Silver Falls state park outside Portland. So many waterfalls. You’ve seen it before in commercials without knowing it. As I understand, it was considered for a National Park back in the day but the adjacent clear cutting was objectionable to the aesthetic. Guess what? It’s been a century or so, and the foliage has largely grown back.
  11. You’re absolutely not wrong. Hunter’s disappearing act is frustrating and inexplicable. I won’t speculate as to causes, but suffice to say there’s a long list of reasons a player could be off that aren’t visible to the naked eye. Hopefully he will put it together again and isn’t this season’s version of a Tre Mitchell story. On the upside, if he had to take a nap, this was the time.
  12. He’d better hope Valhalla isn’t requiring a negative Covid test.
  13. Back to the Sears catalog’s lingerie section, kids. Louisiana’d better keep its hands off the beads-for-boobs-from-balconies segment of the local economy. Don’t get grabby.
  14. Wish we’d done a better job of attacking the basket in the last 3 minutes we’ve been in the bonus and with that, Timmy’s fouled on a drive.
  15. And terrorists destroying electric infrastructure in response to a drag show.
  16. Is it productive to have guys who chose not to play on the sidelines? I respect their choices not to play. I agree with them, actually. Rojo and Bijan did tremendous work. Their time is done.
  17. Keilan at RB in short yardage isn’t gonna get it done.
  18. The excitement is palpable. Almost forgot what day today is.
  19. An unranked 11-1 Missouri team at that. They beat our only loss Illinois handily, with their only blemish being a 28 point loss to KU. December rankings are ultimately pretty meaningless but Missouri looks top 25 to this guy.
  20. Harvard up at KU 17-16 with under 8 to go in the 1st half.
  21. The Christmas of L E O N As in other years, my wife unpacked and arranged N O E L over the fireplace to hang stockings I rearranged it to E L O N L E O N is our negotiated holiday compromise position for 2022
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