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Degenerate Gardner

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Everything posted by Degenerate Gardner

  1. Late 70s / early 80s Giddings’ Queen had a live parrot. Even as a kid unfamiliar with health codes and basic sanitation, that seemed sketchy.
  2. Anthony Black and Keyonte George have really impressed. I hope Arterio proves himself a worthy comparison.
  3. Be that as it may, it has been interesting this year at LHN. Blanks effusively, conspicuously praised Lowell during broadcasts. Makes me wonder if they didn’t already know Lowell was on the outs..
  4. Say and feel what you want, but in my eyes we owe Timmy a debt of gratitude. He was our most reliable player last year, for better or worse. Now he’s deferring to a healthy Disu in the post and a stranger to the backcourt. He will find his role this season.
  5. Quit being a cunt. We live in a culture so sitting on a tinder box that a single letter from the alphabet is enough to enflame madness. Fuck yourself and your facile heuristics.
  6. Tony Romo can’t go two sentences without saying “right?”. Terrible habit for an announcer. Makes me ragey and prone to muting him entirely.
  7. I am not at all victim blaming but maybe, just maybe naming the establishment Club Q was a bad move, like a bat signal to the deranged. In the current simulation, Club Queer would have actually been the less inflammatory choice.
  8. It doesn’t bother me. Pronouns have been a beating. Don’t make nouns taboo too. Then they’ll come after the adverbs and adjectives and
  9. Shaq does not discriminate when it comes to endorsements. I can respect that.
  10. She’s the last person who would be up for a penal colony
  11. My greatest surprise as a partial observer is that Trump’s cowardly, historic attack on democracy didn’t, you know, resonate with the electorate more. What should be self evident isn’t to enough actual voters. It’s fucking nauseating and ledgeworthy.
  12. It’s a shiny ball thrown by bad actors to distract the media and public from the awful the truth of the attack. Republican terrorists are willing to do or say anything to reach their ends or save their skins. I’m sure there’s a perfectly apt one-word Russian descriptor for the disinformation tactic but I was a Spanish minor so no se.
  13. LEOs used non-lethal means to obtain cooperation. Must have been a white cow.
  14. Kanye is losing everything. The kardashian dashed as did his major endorsements. He’s incapable of sufficient introspection and won’t learn from the experience. No, he’ll blame and scapegoat like he did that damn Jew doctor who diagnosed Kanye bipolar. I hope Pete Davidson’s security is better than the Pelosis’.
  15. I have earnest doubts that Kanye read Mein Kamph. The audiobook with Kanye narrating would be slammin though.
  16. Disagree. It’s because he’s crazy. I feel for the guy as I do most folks destroying their lives and others’ due to mental illness. If he wasn’t a rich guy he’d be screaming on a street corner at this point.
  17. Pete Davidson is the big wiener in that story.
  18. He’s gonna be hard to beat.
  19. It’s the curse of intellectual honesty and higher standards, or rather, adherence to the standards you espouse. The alternative is no picnic.
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