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Degenerate Gardner

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Everything posted by Degenerate Gardner

  1. Degenerate Gardner


    Depending on the person's weight and THC tolerance, 5mg might even be appropriate. Getting over your skis with edibles is worth avoiding.
  2. 'Halp me, Deep State!' That's rich. The FBI will no doubt answer the call professionally but would love to tell DOJ to EABOD. How can they forget Trump and Barr's demonizing of the IC and career public serveants?
  3. If I was working from a real, not virtual keyboard I'd illustrate with screenshots but alas. Generally: click the icon with 3 stacked vertical bars on the upper right, select Account, then Ignored Users. You can type in usernames there. Happy ignoring!
  4. I'd expect that these are disaffected individuals, probably not registered or likely voters. We can try to guess affiliation but that just ends up being a political Rorschach test.
  5. This. In terms of bang for your buck on admin efforts, Ignore PSAs, Ignore incentives, Ignore contests, fixing Ignore so it works on quotes...All of it. Ignore is the answer! Why will no one listen to me??
  6. Word. I lost a family member to awful horrific ugly miserable cancer this week. That Rush outlived anyone is a great injustice. If a great thereafter exists, hopefully our loved ones are prepared to welcome Rush with a kick in the nuts as he crosses over.
  7. I don't disagree with the sentiment, but trying to remove Trump before January just increases the probability he's relected in November. The only way he leaves prior to January is in a body bag - and I'm not advocating anything there, unless you're tight with a deity that has an itchy trigger finger she wants to scratch.
  8. There's no treatment too savage for the Enemy of the People! (Damnit. Sounds so much better in the original German)
  9. Yeah I felt bad for the poor guy so it was time for change. Probably not good to have your worst moments in life captured in an avatar, unless you're the crying OU kid in which case it's permissible.
  10. Being raped would probably only make him more suicidal.
  11. Trump is counting on that. Last thing he needs is a free and open election in November. In retrospect we may have erred electing a man who dreams of Manson's race wars and shares Jim Jones' messianic visions. If only we could have anticipated this stunning turn of events.
  12. No shit. My Ignore list is well populated and ever expanding. No doubt I make mistakes in evaluation and I do give fresh looks in case posters change. It makes selective engagement much easier - again, if that's what they really want. I think conflict and resentment have become the point. You can change the rules and introduce well intended ratios, but the intolerance and division will find a way in because enough of us think we need it.
  13. Gratis for moderating, sincerely. Like those guys who drive septic trucks: it has to be done, I'm just grateful I don't have to do it. I like the aggregator thread idea. It's an earnest attempt to solve the problem - if the problem really is that some users just want news devoid of politics. For the most part I don't believe that is the main issue. We as Americans have become addicted to the rush of conflict, anger, and resentment toward one another. It's much less satisfying in the moment to take a breath and not engage than to spit righteous fire. The problem is cultural. We are a sick nation. This is just another manifestation.
  14. I'm grateful that unplugged was even recorded. All the more amazing since they'd been on a 2 1/2 year hiatus and had all of 4 performances after it. This show features a younger, not yet dope sick Layne. Pure fire from the band.
  15. Can't they just use the lakes to put out the fires?
  16. Or I could just neg rep you because the bitching is beyond tiresome. And for the record, stalking a poster to punitively neg rep is indeed lame. Ironically you're building a more valid case for neg reps. Just let it go Holmes.
  17. This is the OAN play. Legitimize an illegitimate outlet that serves only Trump. Shower it with conspicuous signaling attention. You can sense the increasing urgency in Trump's OAN fluffing.
  18. WOPR would have made a far better president. More much very good humanity.
  19. If the cognitive decline continues at its current clip, by 2024 Trump will be nowhere near capable of...who am I kidding, the hate cult will still embrace him. I can see Trump keeping the political aspiration door ajar so that he can continue raking in cash from suckers. Don the expert con no doubt sees the long-term grift potential there.
  20. As long as Beshear isn't a POC this still counts as progress for Kentucky.
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