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Kyrie Eleison

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Everything posted by Kyrie Eleison

  1. https://media2.giphy.com/media/LKqDgLlK6SuIM/giphy.gif
  2. https://media2.giphy.com/media/LKqDgLlK6SuIM/giphy.gif
  3. that motherfucker borrowed...or stole...Trump's make-up. call me a liar...
  4. it's like some of you have never really watched this film... https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/patton/quotes/#:~:text=what to do.-,George S.,except for the very first!
  5. you give me that gasoline and i'll gain ground with it. i'll kill Germans, too. gimme 400,000 gallons and i'll go to Berlin.
  6. the above quotes are all erroneous, and grievously so, except for the very first.
  7. fuck if i know...didn’t ask. i just stared at my taquito and avoided all eye contact much less ask why she did that, deep in thought about how i was going to avoid vomiting in her mouth were she to get after me with a good night kiss. fuck yeah i’m a hypocrite...so what. fucking line was crossed, mang.
  8. agreed. i’m 53 and i’ve had a two can/week habit of Skoal Original Fine Cut for 40 years, so recycling is baby shit and expected when in a pinch. but i haven’t ever done what she did. definitely lip curling...
  9. i don’t agree with ‘brat on nary a thing politically, but he’s been here a damn lot longer than you, and he’s a good dude and earned his bona fides and has my respect as a person...as a man. you don’t know shit about fuck when it comes to The Old Man, and further can fuck right off with this juvenile shit.
  10. she put her dip in with the lid and spit that first spit back in the can. iow, she was a pro...
  11. went on a date with a girl from Vidor once. she was hot AF....cute little high-rise dress, thigh gap, she had it going on. so i picked her up, and being underage we went across to drink and dance in Vinton. had a blast. on the way back we stopped at Whataburger to get some taquitos, and while we’re waiting on our order she reaches in her purse, pulls out a can of Copenhagen, digs a damn nice dip out with the lid, and then spits back in the can. now this coonass has been putting a lip in for 40 years now. i’m no stranger by all means to that shit. but not once have expectorated back into my can. i went limp as fuck after that...
  12. that's one helluva prayer for relief they've got going...
  13. https://gifimage.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/prepare-your-anus-gif-4.gif
  14. well yeah...except that he has the poors and isn't a lawyer (although...as an aside...being a licensed attorney is not a requirement for serving as Attorney General).
  15. dude has a legit cognitive defect due to an organic injury...don't throw rocks here. https://www.nosue.org/homeless/neil-gillespie-was-homeless/
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