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Everything posted by YGIFS

  1. He's a pretty damn good coach who gets pretty damn good money who bought a pretty good damn sized house on a pretty damn good lot of land with pretty damn shitty taste. Mullet out front shoulda told ya'.
  2. Enough of your Five-Star Full-of-Shit Fuckshow, Nicole!
  3. Well it was across the room with the speaker turned up. I mean, there's all kinda metallic shit in that room. OBviously I didn't hold it up to my ears while in the machine. this wasn't that junkyard episode of 'Breaking Bad'
  4. Yeah, in the from the 1970's to the 1990's, we were able to discretely move around some shit in Africa and Central America and even the Balkans relatively unnoticed. In this day and age, with so much "Congressional" scrutiny, it'd be hard to move that much product into/near the theater given satellite imagery. Plus in this case, you tacitly want Russia to see us backfilling our NATO friends who then deploy, modify, and coach up the weapons systems and operators so Russia knows. It lifts all spirits except Russia's. Obviously arms smugglers and SAC/SAD can move shit into just on the outskirts of the front, and they probably already are. But at some point, it becomes a futile risk. Move in wholesale through Germany, Poland, or Czech and let it be know to make logistics easier, lift morale, and force posture. And then directly behind it---money for ammo, artillery, food, and medical supplies. I'm far from an expert, this thread has forgotten more than I'll ever know about this shit........but sneaking in a couple trucks and an EM-50 doesn't do much........may as well go full AC/DC---balls to the walls.
  5. It's how you draw more attractively bred livestock to College Station. For..............reasons.
  6. So where do "Drug-Infested, Sex Dens" fall under the Dewey Decimal System? I'm guessing it ends in ".69" Just a hunch.
  7. Nah, That shower head is for circus elephants.
  8. Completely anecdotal, but in the last week---TWICE---saw vehicles on Bee Caves Road just cruising down the turn lane for miles. Not like what we're all guilty of when we skip on turn and then cruise up a bit to hit the next turn, but like just treating it like it was a third lane built out just for them to go multiple miles at 45mph. About how I feel about fantasy football drafts. If it brings you great joy to be a fake administrator, have at it. But requiring other guys to spend hours or days away from their families in addition to hundreds or even thousands of dollars, never mind the time spent throughout the season. Just get a regular mid-life crisis hobby like cocaine or cars.
  9. Multi-family product appraisals are way up in Austin this year. Which, in turn, gets passed on to renters. We are in a race to the bottom as a State.
  10. I'd like to stick it in that lady's torch. Wait, what were we talking about again? Oh yeah, dryer lint traps being too woke.
  11. ^ I agree. But would have to add that in a geopolitical theater of war which could have massive economic, political, and humanity implications to a good size chunk of Europe---our national leadership's stance on it may have to be fleshed out. This is arguably the most informed and intelligent thread this site has ever known---in addition to probably "Chicks over 40 that still have it." But we have to be realistic. We are at an inflection point. Ukraine is getting bogged down again and Russia is feeding the beast again. We will be out of decommed/surplus weapons platforms to give to our NATO allies to pass on to Ukraine by end of of calendar year. We can still train them and provide intel/satcomms/SIGINT after that, but in the end---they gotta buy food, fuel, fresh ammo, fresh artillery, and medical provisions---never mind morale. We all have no issue with the posts about political posturing of countries like Hungary and now Austria during this recent advancement by Russia. When we force posture, that's one thing. When we finance posture, the whole of Europe (not just NATO) takes big notice. Nobody is suggesting to the House that we send troops. Not even pilots. But our hardware can only continue to go out the door for so long. Software and humanitarian aide through third parties can continue in perpetuity. But it's also a situation of demonstrable flexing to Europe (both NATO and non-NATO) to keep up their end, knowing they have an ally in the United States of America. There is a better than 0% chance this is the last conventional war waged in Europe for the rest of our existence. Otherwise, more bad people get ideas.
  12. I don’t think anybody takes issue with the Senate voting on judges. It’s one of the more clear things in our Constitution. we have backfilled Ukraine with decommissioned and surplus weapons systems all we can. By end of this calendar year, we’ll have supplied all we can supply. They need money though to upgrade, train, arm, and power those platforms. Nevermind food. That requires money. And maybe some liberated refrigerators.
  13. ThorntonMellon/ “now this one I don’t get. Here’s you. Here’s Pharaoh. What’s with the kitten over here?”
  14. Did it ever occur to any of you that obviously the killer of Nicole and Ron would go to hell for it just recently. And now that this unknown killer is there, O.J. has rushed down there as well to find him in the zone of ends? That’s called dedication. It’s what makes a champion.
  15. Will PM you. You’ll die of heat stroke at the 8/31 wedding. So you can also have her do your burial suit.
  16. Well usually Eric takes them down there to the bank. Or they’re faxed. Look he has currency skills. He is good at dealing with currency. Why the hell can’t you people realize that? What the hell is the matter with you people?!?!
  17. Cave Porn, sir? (googles it) I’ll be in my bunk.
  18. I can’t fucking wait to hear Bank of America’s response to this. “Trump Liberty Coins?” Never heard of ‘em Like the movie “Semi-Pro”, it’d be like watching somebody trying to cash in one of those giant-sized checks from a half court shot.
  19. If you’re in Austin, I got a great tailor for tuxes/suits. She does brilliant work and quick turnaround. I never understood September/Early October weddings in Texas. It’s not just football, it’s not just about saving some off-peak money. It’s still fucking hot as balls. It’s one thing to ask your groomsmen to spend 10 hrs in a dark wool jacket in 95* weather. It’s another thing to ask your obese Aunt or elderly grandmother to stay in formalwear for that amount of time as well. /rant
  20. Yeah, that’s what I thought once I saw the clip. Lots of board games come out with ‘junior’ or ‘party’ editions specifically as a kinder version for stupid people; as the original gamemakers were a little too clever. shit, if I was a board game maker, I’d just label it “For ages 5+Up and FoxNews Viewers” Yeah, I’d get some backlash but I’d move a lotta product too. And bring great joy to a lotta hate-filled hearts.
  21. I know you Ukrainians in the East are having your homes and businesses raided by Russian infantry. But we can’t help right you regain your freedom right now because we’re literally busy with HR3637 which will give freedom to refrigerators against the attacks of the Refrigerator Raider. Good luck.
  22. Nope; but I would have partied with that dude.
  23. They speak English in ‘What’??
  24. The two blow-up dolls full of hot-air without a brain due to genetics, or you talking about the actual children in the dress and blazer? Considering the simulation, I could be convinced any combination of the four are Eric's offspring.
  25. I'm picturing meeting you for the first time as Jeremy Piven as George, "So uh, you get new hiking shoes?" Biff, "Yeah, so?" -Well, what do you need new hiking shoes for?
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