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The University

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The University

  1. reminds me of the backdrops from those late 50's technicolor sci-fi Sunday mid-day movies on the shittier uhf channels. the only thing missing is the perspective-challenged flying saucer wobbling back and forth on a thin wire that was abruptly interrupted by a brut 33 deodorant ad.
  2. is the cleaning cloth microfiber and does it come with a protective case?
  3. "austin" is worth visiting. it's not going anywhere.
  4. 1980: 2022: until the end of time:
  5. i've been led to believe for most of my life that cleveland rocks -- that travel advice is very curious.
  6. anyone actually visited the hof? is it as exciting as eating a burger in a hard rock cafe?
  7. 35. 360. 183. 71. 290. mopac. 2222. no additional verbose fuckery is needed.
  8. ay caramba. about 90% of the relatives i saw for christmas are reporting positive test results. rarely shook hands or hugged, but it doesn't take much. so far, no symptoms. hoping that my triple shot of moderna will give me an edge... 🤞
  9. the only thing about the replay that was bullshit is realizing #15 pitt and #16 wake forest were playing for a championship while i'm trying to diagnose whether or not the pseudoslide was bullshit.
  10. i suppose this is positive news, but it is surprising that the quant number/range did not change at all from the 1st TX CARES test. 3x moderna. last jab was in august.
  11. lincoln riley celebrates michael bolton's entire catalog
  12. yeah, that really sucks. do you still need those ou tickets?
  13. the first moderna jab kicked my ass for about 12 hours (after a 12 hour delay). the second was noticeable but not terrible for about 6 hours. the third didn't make a shit.
  14. ours fluctuate every year between sections 109 and 115. 110 this year. iow, ou still sucks.
  15. i remember listening to this song when the meaning finally hit me. damn.
  16. my experience was similar. created an account ~17 hours after the blood draw. received a results notification ~5 mins after creating the account. walked in to the walgreens at research/duval last saturday. filled out the minimal paperwork, and then waited for about 5 minutes to get a 3rd moderna jab.
  17. the non-negative amounts in the total price column were redacted. no idea why they did this, but it's the first time i've seen it. perhaps to gauge what donors make/lose on sales?
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