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Horn of Gabriel

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Everything posted by Horn of Gabriel

  1. Shittiest team has worse odds now than the Duncan era yes? Like a 9% chance of top ball or something?
  2. Maybe there is a better thread for this, if so I couldn’t find it. We are taking the family to the fair and game for the first time in about 15 years. Anyone have logistics tips for parking, etc? We are staying up near the Hilton Anatole area. I had figured to leave pretty early Saturday to park in a fair lot and get in with enough time to get a corny dog and beer before the game. Any recommendations on best approach to to fair park or where to park? Or timing?
  3. Bob Cole reminds me of the “How to speak Texan” sound track they play at County Line. Is that really how he sounds? That drawl seems so put on.
  4. Brett Venables playlist is Boomer Sooner with the occasional Baby Shark mixed in
  5. I would never, EVER bet TX/OU. Or any rivalry game for that matter.
  6. Hammer that over. This is going to be a 43-47 type game not a defensive struggle.
  7. Nope, gotta show the face painted hellraiser clowns the whole game! 🤡
  8. 1) Texas' standard is not to beat up on FCS JV teams. The fact that you and others would call for that is bitch-made. Just because Ole Miss does it doesn't mean we should. 2) In moving to the SEC, we'll be on equal footing schedule-wise with those teams and will schedule as they do. I'm sure if the SEC keeps the 8-conference games we'll follow suit with the JV teams, as pussy as that is. No one NO ONE gets excited to see Texas vs. TxState or SFA on our home schedule. Thankfully the SEC will make the wise decision to go to 9 conference games, because... 3) In the 12-team playoff world (which is what we're building schedules out for now) a loss to a power in-conference team is not just acceptable it is expected. So your argument on needing 10 wins to make the field is as irrelevant as it is pussy. The only SEC teams who want 8-conference games are those low-end teams who are worried about padding the schedule to be bowl eligible. If Texas needs to beat SFA to go to a bowl we have bigger issues anyway.
  9. Which is exactly when the next poster pulls out the DKR/Mack quote about "bb's in the box" to cite that coaching at Texas ISN'T like everywhere else because of all the stuff that surrounds the job that we've been unable (or unwilling) to extract the coach from like booster management, LHN commitments, etc. The poster after that talks about how "WE'RE BY GAWD TEXAS GODDAMIT" and should only accept a Saban. Oh and we should be able to "money whip" literally anyone to come to Texas. Because apparently money is the ONLY thing that matters to coaches, more than job security, sanity of the fanbase, ease of winning their conference, and so on. Just money, that's all that matters. After that we hear from someone supposedly plugged into the Houston-BMD crowd and their favorite vs. the Dallas BMDs and their favorite (which is never the same). Then we get someone blaming the AD, when we all know that in football hires they have little-to-no sway. Then someone blames the coaching search firm that we hire, even though they do nothing other than serve as a lawsuit shield. Round and round we go. A good coach at Baylor or SFA won't necessarily be a good coach here. It is different. Aranda would not do well in the booster or media environment at Texas. Maybe he could win enough that it wouldn't matter but he'd be swimming upstream the whole way.
  10. Tell me more about Arch firmly on campus in the era of free transfers?
  11. That QB played over his head, as usual for a QB against us, and was pretty accurate given his reputation. We did put some pressure on him but couldn't bring him down and he effectively checked down. We didn't look very complimentary in the the secondary - I kept hearing how we'd line up our DBs in press but I saw a ton of bail coverage and 5-7 yard cushions - maybe fatigue as we got further in? Tech converted what like 6 fourth downs in that game? It seems like if a QB is even halfway mobile we are so paralyzed we can't do shit.
  12. Love this thread. I just got my BGE a few months ago and have been experimenting. The last few times I've tried to smoke, it seems like I'm having trouble getting the temp low enough - after I fire the coals with the Looft lighter (shout out to whoever recommended that!), I let it sit top-open for a few minutes and then close it down to get the temp right before adding in the smoke wood and grill and it's settled in around 300-350. I close off the top and bottom, and it settles around 245 and just wants to live there. Am I firing the coals too much to start it or something? What's the go-to startup procedure for low/slow?
  13. Well, let's go get 'em. Maybe we'll see QE take a series or something but probably not. Bubble wrap until next week and warm up for OU.
  14. LOL way to bounce the throw off the turf to a wide open receiver Casey. JAG
  15. Sources cannot confirm or deny Bob Stoops at the scene of the crash.
  16. They figured out that if they break out it's all on them. Much easier to keep a super weakened NCAA as the convenient punching bag and default excuse for anything that goes wrong. "But the NCAA!!!"
  17. I’d like to see correlative and causal factors applied here as well, specifically home vs neutral, temperature, and the rise/fall of the S&P 500 the week before these games air. Maybe pull together a machine learning model in Python real quick to do some predictive analysis? Thanks in advance
  18. I'll admit I haven't followed every game Saban has coached; I know he's really animated, fired up, etc when he thinks they got it wrong - there are multiple examples of Saban screaming at refs and the ref changing calls after the fact as a result?
  19. Because "you can beat the rap but you can't beat the ride." How often in the history of football does the coach go up and make a logical, rules-based argument to a ref (or better, yells at the ref how blind and stupid they are) and the ref then says "Oh you know what, you're right! We screwed that up, and we're going to reverse the call in your favor." Even when you're right that rarely happens. Just like a cop who has decided you're going to jail is going to take you there even on a trumped up bullshit charge that will get dropped later. The difference is we have this nice little balance of powers thing with cops/courts that we don't have with refs. And even with the courts it still takes weeks/months/years sometimes to get to the "right" result on a b.s. charge. I don't think this ref crew or the Big12 ref crews in general are sitting in a smoky room dreaming up scenarios to screw Texas. The table people keep posting is nice and probably speaks to un-conscious bias against Texas. The better explanation is that they are just bad at their jobs. Either way, more transparency into the grading of refs by the league (they do that, right? Right?) would be awesome. At least fucking recognize that it's an issue. Thankfully this Big12 problem won't be ours much longer and we can start bitching about SEC refs biases.
  20. https://bijanmustardson.com/products/official-bijan-tee
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