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Horn of Gabriel

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Everything posted by Horn of Gabriel

  1. Set aside COVID for a sec, as hard as that is. Also set aside the origin discussion of lab leak vs. wet market vs. natural. Why do GoF? This is literally creating killer viruses in the lab that don't exist in nature. Some of these are relatively benign flu-like stuff, and some of them would make COVID look like a sniffle. We are basically trusting the future of humanity (not an exaggeration at this point) to the security of largely unregulated labs and disinterested governments around the world. It's like nuclear weapons, only worse, because there are only a few countries that could create nuclear devastation. There are at least dozens of countries capable of GoF now. We're one finger prick, one broken slide, or one mis-configured BSL lab from an extinction-level event. It came out that the Wuhan lab was supposed to be doing research at BSL-4 but was actually at BSL-3 or -2. This is scary, scary stuff and we're getting by on luck and voluntary regulation. It's beyond playing with fire, it's incredibly irresponsible because we're basically putting the nuclear football and big red button in every lab doing this research around the world. As pointed out above, our virological research and understanding has progressed independently of GoF research. We don't need it, it doesn't provide demonstrable value commensurate with the risks it poses and it should be banned WW. We've managed it with with human cloning - even China is onboard, and jailed the mad scientist that was going that direction. Any country that makes supportive moves of scientists trying human cloning would turn into a world pariah. We need to treat GoF the same.
  2. GMO carrots don't kill millions of people. Engineered viruses can.
  3. Fauci/not Fauci, China lab/not China lab IDGAF. The better question is EVEN IF the China lab didn't accidentally/intentionally release this, and EVEN IF Fauci/CDC/Whoever didn't realize what they were financing, why in the FUCK would we or anyone do gain-of-function research? That research is literally trying to create killer viruses that don't exist today, specifically the kind that can infect humans! Like, WTF! WHY?!?!?! I've seen Fauci and that British fucktard spinning bullshit about how GAF "helps us understand how viruses evolve in the wild so that we can better respond to them when they occur." Sorry, but that's bullshit. I have yet to see how 30 years of GOF research Pfizer and Moderna create their vaccine. Or any other evidence that the bullshit benefit outweighs the absolutely 100% certain and currently demonstrable risks of an outbreak like COVID. Or worse! COVID is actually mild compared some of the other shit they've cooked up that hasn't escaped. What if they created an airborne transmissible version of something like Ebola...imagination runs wild. The arrogance of the Fauci's and the Peter Daszak's of the world playing word games with "gain of function" to try to say the research Wuhan was doing wasn't actually GOF in his political fight w/ Rand Paul is astounding. Then basically saying "Well you normal people just aren't smart enough to understand what we're doing here" smacks of narcissists playing God in a lab. Yeah, we're not PhD virologists but we don't have to be to understand that gain of function "...aim to increase the ability of infectious agents to cause disease by enhancing its pathogenicity or by increasing its transmissibility." If someone can make the argument that GOF benefits outweigh the risks, I'd love to hear it.
  4. Type 2 pre-diabetic? Welcome to being an American! In one way you're lucky in that you can manage it with diet. You have the right plan. Just focus on filling up w/ protein, fiber, and fat and minimizing carbs. That's bad news for the lasagna, which is very carb heavy like most italian meals. Once in a while maybe but rarely. The workouts will really help. I'm Type 1 but notice a 24 hour effect when I workout where my body is more insulin sensitive. I walk about 3 miles every day now both to get my steps in but also provide some extra light cardio - that's on top of whatever workout I'm doing. Plus it feels good to get the fresh air.
  5. According to my endocrinologist, even black coffee (all I drink) can set off a response in your liver that causes your body to dump excess sugar it's carrying into the blood. Same reason for the "morning effect" where BG goes up for many, me included, in the waking hours even if I'm fasting.
  6. Remember those days way back six months ago when this board melted down over not getting Ochaun Mathis? He had such a great year at Nebraska, what a EPIC miss!
  7. WTF are you even talking about, and why so salty? Geez, the guy wants to play, what an asshole! Purdue isn't world beater but they are Power 2 conference team and he will probably start there. They've knocked off some big boys over the past few years and I can't blame him for making the move when his other option is to be the 2nd or maybe even 3rd stringer at Texas depending on how MM pans out.
  8. Just crazy to think that this is our best collection of talent in 10+ years, AND Georgia and Alabama stack guys at this level 2 and sometimes 3 deep. That's what it's going to take now that they're literally conference foes.
  9. Please allow me to translate CTJ to GIF:
  10. Why does the girl in the middle have 4 arms?
  11. Has there been any reporting on if the $10M UCLA -> Cal subsidy is a 1-time deal or an every-year deal?
  12. Actually it won't really matter if he coaches here again or not, we'll see those pics for awhile.
  13. Thanks. Utah looked pretty good last night, sooo win confirmed!
  14. Full disclosure: I’m a soccer dumbass. I know Netherlands is more highly ranked than US but put this into context: is the Alabama vs Ole Miss? Or Bama vs Old Dominion?
  15. Fuck this line of thinking and fuck the BCS. The data you're talking about doesn't exist. This isn't MLB where everyone plays everyone. The data points in college football are too limited. Any model you build around those limited datapoints is rife with expansive fuckery, which is why we had 7 different computer models all disagreeing with each other in the BCS days. Those data models and the inputs they weigh are built by humans who are...BIASED. You can't tell me that the subjectivity inherent in those models is any different than the subjectivity in a committee because it's not. It's just dressed up fancier with the veneer of "data" to make people think it's less subjective. It ain't.
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