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Everything posted by nbmishoid

  1. Brisket, their stated interest is that sweet Jones they get at voting for lib tears.
  2. It may appear as as a risk they believe must be taken. I hope it is not outside the symptoms. Meaning, going too soon.
  3. A mountain of blessings are required. Get ready for Penn St or Old Miss in some bowl.
  4. Small sample in my case. I was a kid in Texas, with only Huntley and Brinkley at my disposal.
  5. Per NYT, as US asks Isreal to restrain, they say it’s like the US: Faluja, Dresden, Hiroshima.
  6. About like last week. Poorer opponent, but we can’t get as many breaks and great plays. One score game either way.
  7. They are ranked above us because we are playing like crap and look poised to lose the next game MM starts. Change that picture and we can resume comparing records, etc.
  8. My, always been little chance he could do this week. Pucker up.
  9. Whatever the degree, learn and master hard work, master your topic. Then, master the subject of people. If you are a good match, the boss things come. At my prior company, we emphasized the needs, and reward, for expert practitioners. Errbody wanted to go into supervising. The market forces pushed up the levels for the ind. practitioner, to a quite decent major boss level. The supervisors and mid managers hated this, as being against the natural order. Just supply and demand. Nothing inherently good, or bad, about boss jobs.
  10. ‘If Quinn can’t really go we are in for some misery. Luckily we are so well experienced
  11. Part of Bibi’s motivation is to fuck up Biden’s popularity. A real bastard.
  12. Not every creed is religious. You are stretching.
  13. He means giving away 3’s like they didn’t matter. He might have regretted that at games end.
  14. Sadly, tend to agree. But he’ll be our guy Saturday. In post game this past Sat, the efficacy of prayer ranked highl.
  15. I’m thinking Sam Bradford in 09. Came back too early. Then, again, the variance in MM’s play is the greatest ever seen.
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