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Everything posted by CTC2

  1. This. Hot Wheels wouldn’t be so committed to it if there wasn’t.
  2. cm-chat-media-video-1:c675c3bb-b950-5268-91e1-9455e329ab82:713:0:0.mov
  3. Damn good pickups for $200.
  4. Super nice. Fretboard looks even darker than the other pic you posted.
  5. I got mine for next to nothing. I told myself if I ended up liking it I would search out one with rosewood. After spending a couple of months with it I really don’t see the need. People turn their nose up at Pau Ferro but I’m getting along with it just fine.
  6. I have a 60’s Classic Player with Pau Ferro. I gave it several treatments with this stuff and it really darkened the board permanently and it does not come off on your fingers. https://www.montysguitars.com/en-us/products/montys-montypresso-relic-wax
  7. There are studies that show that people don’t want bad things to happen to billionaires as they always think there is a chance they could be one. It’s how the GOP has always sold tax cuts to working people.
  8. My God. Can’t we just enjoy having a good team with a ton of upside? Some of y’all forget actually enduring Charlie Strong.
  9. Just as many people who hate him will tune in to see him humbled. He’s the only reason I’ll probably see a Big 12 game next year.
  10. I was sitting in a suite and even there the PA is mind numbingly loud. The whole thing is sensory overload. Maybe it’s a young persons thing but I don’t enjoy it.
  11. Democrats in Texas really should just start massively voting in Republican primary’s. If they could, they could maybe keep out some of these nuts.
  12. False argument. We have high sales tax, high property tax, high energy costs, poor public education, highest percentage of uninsured people, lots of necks carrying guns and a step away from being a theocracy. Pro business, anti human. Great place to live!
  13. Republicans are scared of their own supporters.
  14. I know all these lawyers and they have had very successful careers no doubt. But, the prosecution attorneys are past their prime and Buzbee is so full of himself that he can’t see he looks like an idiot half the time. I haven’t watched a second of it and don’t intend to. I already know Paxton is is POS.
  15. There is no doubt in my mind that she was put there as a judge for the district where Trump would reside deliberately. If memory serves, she was put up or confirmed late in his term. I know I sure would have put someone there who was in the tank for me.
  16. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/09/06/texas-paid-bitcoin-miner-riot-31point7-million-to-shut-down-in-august.html?__source=sharebar|twitter&par=sharebar
  17. All I know is that if Ewers was planning on getting drafted after this season those plans hit a wall if he doesn’t show up on Saturday.
  18. If we are winning, no. If we aren’t, yeah, I agree.
  19. Anyone know if this is legit? https://frouie.com/university-co-op-champion-texas-longhorns-embrace-the-hate-shirt?product=unisex-standard-t-shirt&variant_key=orange-xl&color=orange&size=xl&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIg5ujlc2NgQMVGDbUAR0aswd1EAQYAiABEgLn8fD_BwE
  20. Yeah, I own a couple along with more deer rifles and shotguns than I need. I have no problem saying that high capacity magazines and semi automatic rifles being banned would not upset me one bit. Then again, I don’t worry about anyone coming for the rest of my guns nor think it’s some slippery slope to a ban on all.
  21. I maintain that they cemented bottom dweller status by leaving the Big 12. After that, they had no natural recruiting ground. At least before they were on 100% of the tv’s in Texas and had a ton more visibility.
  22. I’ll weigh in to say it died when Les Amis Café and Madog’s closed. Seems like I was downhill after that.
  23. Facebook Marketplace is the only reason Facebook should exist. Impulse purchase
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