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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by shakahorn

  1. I don't think any entity can get financing of any significance without audited financials. Back in the day, I was part-owner of a relatively small co, low 10 figures small, and we were basically leveraged to the hilt. Our auditors would always threaten, if they felt like we were bs'ing them or generally not cooperating, that they would downgrade us from 'audit' to 'reviewed' which would tube all of our loans.
  2. I heard some fat guy on CNN earlier say it had to be a member.
  3. She's in SF I think cuz Feinstein's body went back over the weekend.
  4. Assume Gaetz and crew successfully ouster McCarthy. Who TF do they think will have the votes to take his place?
  5. It’s a game plan put together jointly by Sterlin Gilbert and Shawn Watson. Each picks a play and whichever one is worse is the one they call.
  6. Should've taken the OPI there. Make it 3rd and 28? or 23? Is OPI in the NFL 10 or 15 yards? Regardless Wilson not gonna get back the yards of the penalty making the FG attempt longer at worst and a TO possible.
  7. That would actually be doing the color blind folk a favor.
  8. When I first read this, my thought was Trey Lance. Which would be a stroke of genius on the part of the Cowboys. Which is why it won't happen.
  9. And almost no penalties. One hold on Banks but that was down the field a bit. No dumb jumping offsides, illegal man downfield, etc. damn good discipline. after watching the aggy game it was like night and day.
  10. Sark gotta earn his money on this drive.
  11. I thought this was a joke then I realized that this guy is the ref in this game.
  12. I was there for this one. For such a big band, Fishbone was musically precise. Just impressive and made me a fan, had never heard of them before. Beasties, not so precise, but that was their deal then. Also was at the aforementioned Ozzy show in 86. Dropped acid. Don't remember Metallica opening. Could be because I was outside trying to trade mexican dirt weed for tickets with the acid just kicking in. I seem to recall Ozzy putting on a good show. I actually have a reverse experience, Quiet Riot opening for ZZ Top in like 83? I'm not from Texas, had not yet attended UT, and this was pre-MTV so ZZ Top was basically one of those bands you heard every so often on the local classic rock station. Quiet Riot comes out, it was basically their first tour after getting popular, so you could tell they were having a great time and the show rocked. I was thinking this would be the first time I saw the opening band outperform the headliner. Well...you know how this ends. ZZ Top comes out and just blew the doors off that notion.
  13. This one used to drive me nuts back when I was in sw dev. Sell what we have asshole, not what we don't have.
  14. Just waiting for Dnesh Dsouza to chime in and tell us that "roomers" is actually the correct way to spell it according to some never-before-seen standard.
  15. Weather delay. 50 minutes after the teams take the field for warmups. As best as I can tell they haven’t taken the field yet.
  16. Anyone have a site that is taking this bet? i'm on betonline.ag and it's not offered there.
  17. Oh those are all true stories. It's just that the real life people look nothing like the actors.
  18. I especially like the racist angle of calling an Italian-American 'meatball.'
  19. I missed the part where there was any evidence, much less admissible evidence, on the laptop, that contributed to the tax or gun charges levied against Hunter.
  20. Honestly not sure who has the higher BMI, Christie or Trump.
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