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Everything posted by Caver60

  1. Every time we have another school shooting, I'm reminded that the gun control debate in America isn't a debate at all. When we stand by and collectively watch our children murdered and do nothing, there is no debate.
  2. That's one dumbass kid. I was our deep snapper in high school. One time we were playing Fox Tech (doesn't exist anymore) and after I snapped the ball the guy who was head up on me knocked me on my ass and proceeded to choke the shit out of me under my facemask. I swear I almost passed out. That was fun.
  3. It should come as no real surprise that I work in an actual cave. That morning I got up and was pulling on my boots and watching GMA. They knew that a plane had flown into the fist tower and were speculating on the whole thing, and I was thinking that it was likely a small plane with a suicidal pilot. They showed the tower then, and since I have never been to NYC and seen how BIG the towers were, that only confirmed my thinking. Some little plane. Right. So I clicked off the TV and went to work. As I was heading down into the cave, one of our receptionists came in and told me that BOTH towers had been hit by airliners. I told her that she was full of crap (which was usually true) and went underground. I'd been down there working for a little while when one of our employees came through and said that the Pentagon had been hit. Shortly afterward, a tour came through the cave. I still hadn't seen a TV, and I said the lamest, stupidest thing to the tourists: "Welcome to apparently the safest place in America right now," meaning the cave of course. They all gave me blank stares. I got out of the cave and into the visitor center as just as the first tower fell. My overwhelming feeling was sadness. Not just for that day and all of the people affected, but because I knew deep down that the United States of America was going to war somewhere. We didn't know where at the time, but I knew with total certainty that we would and that when we did, a whole lot more people would die.
  4. Got damn. I hate Aggie success as much as anyone, but you idiots throwing shade on their play tonight need to get a fucking clue. They played their asses off on national tv, and we struggled with fucking Tulsa. And
  5. Man, sorry that you are going through all of this. Divorce, job stuff, and your mother passing. Wow. There are rarely any words, especially from a stranger, that can offer much solace in dark times. Nevertheless, my former father in law offered me some one time, and they have always held true for me. He said, "Something terrible happens and you feel empty, like you might die. And then the next day you get up again and that feeling goes away a little bit. And then you get up weeks after that and the feeling is a little less still. And then months and years go by and you might still have that pit in the bottom of your stomach when you recall those days, but you can live again, and enjoy things, and love again." I strongly believe that we are put here to love each other and help each other, even when that means helping each other along to the next good place. You are doing that for your mom. Mad props.
  6. CDC also took down the signs in front of Occupy Left Field (no real benefit to anyone in the University but the players, who have some noisy fans out there) , in addition to lowering concession prices in DKR. This guy is on the right track as much as any AD at Texas can be, IMO.
  7. The aggies I work with feel EXACTLY the same way. I cheer for the inevitable roller coaster disaster every season, but I’m gonna be surly as all hell if and when it goes down this season.
  8. Here in Comal County, bucks are still in their bachelor herds. Running together until they start running tail.
  9. I sort of wish we'd build a proper pen or corral for him in the stadium and not put him in a corner.
  10. Yeah, honestly we've sucked at TE and we are doing ok there. Our OL has been, well, you know. And we are doing ok there too. Outside of a lucky flash in the pan from Foreman, we have sucked at RB and we are doing ok there. LBs have somehow become the hardest thing on earth to find, and we are looking decent there. We haven't been the undisputed DBU for years, and we've got no problems there either. QB? Fine. It's DL and WR. Aw fuck it. If anyone can't see that by now, jesus tittyfucking christ. Our brand sells itself to such a degree that if we can't pull guys in, the men in charge are not doing their fucking jobs. Still a long way to go, but we are half way there.
  11. When people say, "hell to the no!" Fuck that, I hate it. A lot.
  12. This will be interesting. Herman is not Mack Brown. The most surprising result, to me, would be for him to be kicked off the team entirely. I'm guessing he doesn't play this season, and maybe isn't on the roster, but remains on campus. I'd bet $1 that we eventually see him on the field again unless he is involved in further incidents or more comes out about this one.
  13. Damn, man. That did cut to the quick. I didn't tell her. And I've been round and round the implications of that, especially after your post. This will be 6 days. Got some good sleep the past two nights and that helps. Strange diarrhea for a couple of days in there. Main thing now is that I feel sort of sullen. I don't know what to do with my time. My wife is noticing that. She thinks that I'm unhappy, even offered me a drink last night. I'm beginning to understand the whole "find something to do that adds meaning to your life" line of thinking. It's sort of distressing that there is this big of a hole to fill.
  14. And not kicking off to start BOTH halves of a football game
  15. My wife and I agreed the other day that I should take the month off from drinking. She didn't push on me, she didn't really have to. I've been a regular drinker for ten years or more. Anywhere between six to ten drinks, almost every day, through one marriage and divorce and now into another. I started during my first marriage mainly out of boredom, but I've kept it going straight into this marriage as well. I hide it. Most of the time I have 3-4 drinks after work or on my way home so that it looks to my wife like I only have 3 or 4 drinks nightly. And yeah, I know this is stupid, dangerous behavior. I've never "bottomed out" like I see a lot of you guys on here talking about. But it is taking a toll on my life. I feel shitty until lunchtime every day, and I never get anything done until the afternoon or evening. I'm blessed (cursed?) with a job that has let me get away with that. I know that it has hurt both marriages. I tend to be more interested in drinking than sex, most nights. That's just an example, but I know that it stands to reason that I'm not fully plugged into my life when I'm 8 drinks in. So having had this little talk with my wife, I didn't drink last night. First night in awhile. From experience, I knew going in that I wouldn't sleep well, if at all. I told her that would probably happen, and it damn sure did. I'm super tired today. On the plus side, I don't feel like crap in addition to being tired like I usually do. I wonder what this is going to be like and how long I will keep it going. I know the deal (at least I think I do). I LIKE feeling a little warm and foggy after a few drinks. I enjoy having a glass of wine while cooking and eating dinner. But then I have a hard time cutting it off, and it becomes the whole bottle. And then a couple of beers. And maybe tipping back a bottle for a few swigs between beers. And then I get up in the morning, and I look around and wonder how I had the gumption to turn off the lamp beside my bed, because I can't remember doing that at all. Because I like drinking, I know it'll be hard to kick. I wonder if I will be able to get to a point where NOT drinking will be the norm, but where I will still be able to enjoy drinking from time to time on the right occasion. I don't have the "off" switch. I wonder if my wife will help me with that. I don't really want her to. And it doesn't really matter I suppose, because I've developed this habit of hiding it from her and I know how easy it is. She has a lot of grace about her. She knows that I drink a lot and she's not up my ass about it. But she will be one day if I keep this up. Anyway, I'm gonna give this a shot for awhile and see what happens. I've got my goal on one month right now. I hope the whole sleeping thing gets a little better, because last night sucked.
  16. If you had to draw up a recipe for a caving disaster, this is obviously it. Those boys are perfect for pushing further into a cave. Thin, athletic, young, brave, and most assuredly encouraging each other to go further with the usual comparisons to female sexual anatomy for anyone who might have been hesitant. Slipping through passages too narrow for scuba gear is absolutely nothing in caves. If any of them has any caving experience or knows anyone who does, they will have heard stories about passageways so narrow that a caver will have to exhale, scoot through while their chest is compressed, and breathe again on the other side. Standard fare for caver stories around a campfire, and something you can do in any number of caves right here in Texas. The coach is right to send apologies. If anyone could have prevented this, it was him.
  17. When I was about 12, I was home for the summer and watching PBS. They had a fund drive going, and they showed this game in its entirety. I’d always been a Texas fan. My mom got three degrees from Texas and I watched Earl as a younger kid. But I’d never really known anything about this game other than that we won the 1969 National Championship. So watching the game, knowing the outcome but not the story, was magical. The way the game was going, I just couldn’t see how Texas would ultimately win. And then that pass to Peschel! I’m not sure I celebrated any harder 20 years later when I watched Vince run it in. If you haven’t watched this game, find a way. Thanks, ctj. Great post.
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