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Everything posted by Caver60

  1. I thought Grand Cayman was OK. It's clean, there are some good restaurants there, and it's English friendly. What it doesn't have is local history to a large extent. It's a very tame vacation with nice beaches, made better if you are a diver. I tend to like a little more adventure in my vacations, so I wouldn't go back. It's perfect, however, for my wife. For me, I left there thinking that I could go to quite a few beaches in Mexico that are just as pretty and cost substantially less. Just my 2 cents
  2. This one always struck me as gold (can't remember who said it): "Teddy Lehman is so fast he outran his own melanin"
  3. I generally like it when you chime in. But when you do, there’s always a caveat. The real world of “douche”, so to speak.
  4. For a bunch of people that revel in accusing people of being “triggered snowflakes”, this sure reeks of that. Give me Texas garage entrepreneurs any day of the week over these prick opportunists. And yes, I own a lot of guns.
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