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Everything posted by Apep

  1. Ran into an interesting problem. A couple of weeks ago when the expansion to everyone 16+ was announced, I signed up my 17 year-old. He gets an appointment email last night, informs me, and confirms. Then he reads the consent form. Fuck. He got a meningococcal vaccination last week for college. You're supposed to wait at least two weeks after any other vaccination to get the covid vax. He noticed this while I was trying to deal with another problem, trying to figure out whether the location he was assigned actually has the Pfizer vaccine, (which is the only one cleared for his age range). No info in the appointment email and no info on the county website and no phone number to call. In the end, having to no show because of the two week waiting period between vaccines helps out and I'll just find a place with the Pfizer vax on my own.
  2. I was thinking it would look okay. Nope. Watched the trailer. Dammit. I'll have to get a Paramount sub when it hits.
  3. I walked out of the theater during the Jabba palace scene in RotJ in 1983. Okay, I was carried out by a parent because I was a terrified three year-old, but I did give the movie another try.
  4. Here’s the wonderful summary. Key points include 30% of singles not having sex in the last year, pre-COVID. One in 20 non-virgin women over the age of 25 hasn’t had sex in 10 years!
  5. I think the LoZ could be turned into a great anime. The original game could work as a live-action movie with minimal dialogue along the lines of Conan the Barbarian and pacing similar to the classic Lola Rennt.
  6. I looked it up so you don't have to do so: the median anogenital distance in males is 2 inches. Less than that and you'll have problems. Now excuse me while I go measure my taint.
  7. Not sure if it would work. The characters are generally too intelligent for our current era.
  8. Finally figured out what the problem is. I always have to log in on my iPhone because I use private mode. When I choose my saved login info, the site automatically logs me in. Because that process is so slow, I had been hitting log in on my own, which led to the error.
  9. Sorry, I don't normally check this board and forgot about this thread. It does time, expenses, and billing. It has a nice phone app with a timer and will work with your phone's camera for receipts. I don't think it does OCR with receipts, but I'd have to check. Has tons of integrations with Stripe, Paypal, crm, QBO, etc, but can work as a standalone. Works great for me.
  10. Please let the end be Rick waking up in the hospital to Shane smothering him with a pillow.
  11. Got my second Pfizer shot yesterday. A little tired, but no arm pain yesterday. This afternoon, while I was on a video call, it hit. Pain all over. Took some Advil and laid down to rest for a couple of hours. Super hungry again.
  12. We need to replicate this study with Hispanics (and Asians). I bought pulse oximters for that side of my family for Christmas.
  13. Gotta disagree as far as The Eagle being in a class of its own. I started listening to 97.1 The Eagle in the late 1980s when Kidd Kraddick was the afternoon DJ. They were, as I recall, Top 40 at the time. At some point in the 1990s, maybe around the time Z-Rock came back as 99.1, KEGL shifted to mostly hair metal and hard rock. But metal fans mostly listened to Z-Rock and Twisted Kicks on KNON. It was a few more years before The Eagle pivoted to Metallica and similar stuff.
  14. Keep in mind that I recently re-watched DB Super (English sub this time), so my tastes may be questionable. Black Clover is good. Filler episodes are rare. The story is tight and in-fight dialoguing is reasonable. It's more fun than thought-provoking. The English dub only gets you the first sixty eps or so. The remaining 105 eps are subbed.
  15. For those who watch it, Black Clover is coming to an end on 3/31/2021.
  16. I got my Pfizer shot from Texas Health Resources here in Fort Worth. I had to wait in my car in the freezing cold for about an hour, because they didn't thaw enough vaccine for the day. Once we got over that bottleneck, it was super easy. I had my second appointment scheduled before I left the waiting area for my 15 minutes.
  17. Kinda curious if there was a pattern to freezing exterior faucets based on location. I have two exterior faucets. Both are exposed to the sun during the day. One is on the east wall, the other on the west.
  18. Since the store ran out of Styrofoam covers, I wrapped one faucet in a junk (bath-sized) towel and then covered it with an old insulated lunch bag. No drip, no freeze. I should concede that the faucet was on my west wall and immediately outside my constantly dripping kitchen faucet (with open cabinets). Never lost power (except for thirty minutes). The faucet on my east wall already had a Styrofoam cover and I didn't mess with it at all.
  19. Had my first Pfizer shot last Tuesday. I've been on a keto diet for a few weeks and I was strangely hungry after the shot. I upped my meals from 2 to 3 each day. Was very fatigued, which finally cleared up yesterday. Slight soreness at the injection site for a day-and-a-half. Slight muscle/body aches up until a couple of days ago. Occasional headaches for the first few days. No fever. Hornier than usual.
  20. iOS 14.4. Safari in private mode.
  21. I've encountered two problems recently. 1) Over the last couple of months, while on private mode Safari/iOS, when I log in my stored password does not work. When I'm sent back back to the login screen the password works fine. This is an intermittent problem, but happens more often than not. 2) Over the last few days, the Submit Reply button on the website has been slow as hell (Windows 10 Pro/current Firefox). It might take 30 seconds to save a reply.
  22. I had to give notice once while my boss was on an unannounced vacation. Fortunately it was a small company and I just went to the company president instead.
  23. Like a meta-shit-on-blast thread?
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