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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by pyrohornIII

  1. From that article: So basically they are doing nothing to actually help improve Texas public schools. Just doing all this to win votes by "cutting taxes!" Same old song and dance. It's sad how far we've allowed our state to regress in so many ways. When I was a kid, my dad would always brag on Texas, usually set off by traveling on some well maintained highway. "Texas leads in roads, schools, universities! All the important things." The only things we lead in now are greed and ignorance, intentional or not. And I guarantee you that corporations are going to come out way better than all the citizen homeowners combined. And once the surplus runs out, what then? That 12.6 billion puts a pretty big dent in it. At some point they will go out of power, and Dems will get elected and have to clean up this mess by increasing taxes just to get back to even, much less improving things. So the Republicans will run against tax increases and ignore the damage they've done Texas by dumbing down the majority of the population.
  2. That's part of it, but he's headed into dangerous waters with Friday night lights to deal with. Lots of ISDs have been mute on pushing back, but our superintendent urged the people attending graduation to call our Rep and let her know it wasn't something good for our community. The more he pushes this, the more activity you'll see, and I don't doubt there will more ISDs pushing back. Now the question is what is he planning to do about this since he's surely aware of the timing.
  3. Abbott has vowed to bring another session in the late summer/fall specific to school vouchers.
  4. There's one missing from the bunch: When I had to watch this with my grandmothers, the only part that kept my interest. Benny Hill was the antithesis of Hee Haw
  5. This is a little off topic, but over time it seems like Refugio has produced a wealth of athletes for a small 2A/3A school. Not just football, but T&F, volleyball, baseball. Always seem to be going to state in something. What other schools would be in that category? And any insight on why Refugio?
  6. Yes, this has been a pretty quiet topic. The new law prohibiting Election Adminstrations from sending out unsolicited vote by mail applications really caused more issues, but this one will cause havoc too. I'd really appreciate your sharing anything you find on it. The DPS system wasn't infallible to start with, this just makes it worse. Nothing but confusion after confusion to exasperate people into not voting.
  7. I think all those home games was some deal they made with the SEC when they joined. Somehow it's tied to their remodeling of the tackle box and having more home games to pay for it, and the SEC gaining more Texas TVs and recruiting grounds. And the SEC went along with it, because they felt the upgrades and being SEC would automatically put AnM over UT, but they were wrong.
  8. Dropping. Three (maybe 4) episodes in now. Not sure what day of the week they re-up.
  9. Not really a photo album, but figured it went here as much as anywhere else.
  10. School shootings in my little neck of the redneck woods gives these local yokels an excuse to cosplay as some sort of militia. They have set up active shooter response teams and it mainly gives them a justification to be bad ass community protectors. Some have military experience, but most don't. The heroes have turned from being the local volunteer firefighter to being a member of the camouflage calvary. And most of them feel the odds of it happening at our school is extremely low. And even if it does, they have an excuse if they can't protect it, because they are volunteers. We did our best!
  11. Last season of Endeavor has begun.
  12. So I'm guessing he didn't get a screenshot.
  13. Quietly impressive is how so many of these guys are on academic honor rolls, repeatedly. I would guess that would make them more coachable and quicker to adapt in game.
  14. Props to torre for posting this in the draft thread. Figured it fit here as well.
  15. Now to complete the circle, Joe needs to pardon Hunter, and let the world know he didn't even charge him anything.
  16. Or on the recruiting trail? Some 5 star is going to choose Texas over aggy and one of his reasons will be because Sark has some style.
  17. Looks like a mash up of Archie Bunker and the Bucees's beaver.
  18. Jimbo's the idiot savant of football. He doesn't have time to waste on fashion since he's constantly dreaming up ways to make aTm football the leader of the pack (or cooking up lame ass reasons they aren't).
  19. Zaxby's makes a pretty decent Cobb salad for a fast food place.
  20. I'm late catching up on the thread, but didn't they take Trump's passports earlier? Seems like they scooped them up when they raided MAL, and he groused about it. I know they didn't return his diplomatic one, but did they give his general passport back?
  21. Trump will post bail undoubtably. Can he make some sort of bail deal that allows him travel outside the US while on bail? Use his foreign properties as justification? I can see him asking for this, but then whining about not getting it, or having to pay an exorbitant amount to make it happen.
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