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Everything posted by CooterBrown

  1. Watch the dude at the far side of the tent. I think he's still traveling over the Pacific.
  2. I own 4 of those. The only downsides are they are large when folded down and heavy AF. However, there’s not a more comfortable camp chair for the price point.
  3. 0.41 so far this morning for AMY. I’m up 17%. First time in the green that I can even remember.
  4. Yes you can. If you have a smart watch, you can just use it or use your Apple wallet on your phone instead of pulling your card out. Make sure you go into your settings and set your preferred card as a transit card (that’s what Apple calls it). If it’s set as a transit card, you don’t have to open the card first when you scan in and out. You can just tap your phone or watch and go. Make sure you use the same payment method all the time so it keeps track towards the daily maximum charge. Your card, watch, and phone all have different security codes for the same credit card and the point of sale has no way of knowing it’s the same credit card.
  5. The best way is to inject the victim in their scalp so the injection mark is hidden in the hair.
  6. So, it boils down to users not wanting to see ads which is main/only source of income for reddit?
  7. I think you still have to make reservations for the going to the sun road since parking at the top is limited.
  8. Either scenario results in Trump becoming the Mohammed of the American version of Islam. A religion adhered to by the stupid, incels, racists, and violent, while educated adherents justify it as actually being a religion of peace with a few bad apples.
  9. Look at the demographic of tourists that choose to vacation in Nashville and it’s obvious that Kid Rock will rule them all.
  10. CooterBrown

    Austin FC

    Someone needs to run the stats on backward vs forward passes for us. It has to be 80% backwards. Stuver probably leads the team in receiving passes.
  11. Our 11 year old Bassett Hound has been slowing down and not eating. With our last dog, towards the end, I had to make a mash of chicken and rice for her to eat. So, for the past month, I’ve been making homemade food and it’s turned back the clock for her. She’s outside running around, is back to jumping on the couch by herself, etc. The only change has been her food. Being inherently lazy, I wouldn’t normally make homemade dog food but I don’t think I can not do it know. If anyone has an older dog it may be worth a try. I freeze the homemade food flat in ziplock sandwich bags and defrost in the microwave. Homemade food: 2 of the big packages of boneless chicken thighs (8 lbs? total) 6 cups cooked brown rice 1 cup oatmeal 3 large carrots Small pack of broccoli Small bag of spinach 1 cup peas 1 large sweet potato I broil the chicken and chop it up small. Chop all the veggies small and simmer in barely enough water. Add chicken, rice and oatmeal. Simmer 10 minutes until oatmeal is tender. Bag and freeze.
  12. I don’t believe in heirlooms but I just found this while cleaning out the garage. I got this in 1st grade so it’s around 45 years old.
  13. When my wife’s grandfather was cremated, his ashes were scattered in the SF Bay off the Jeremiah O’Brien since he was on the ship’s Board of Directors. On the back of the ship, there was a pipe that extended down and you poured the ashes down it so the breeze wouldn’t blow it back on the family. As her uncle poured the ashes down the pipe, he said “laying down the pipe one last time, dad”.
  14. I did some consulting at Wright Patterson AFB 15 years ago. While driving around with our liaison, he pointed to a building and said “that’s where they kept an alien craft years ago. It still has weird smell so it’s no longer used.” He was pretty nonchalant about sharing that info so I didn’t think much about it at the time since he’d earlier pointed out an old clinic that was haunted. Interestingly enough, that base is mentioned as having done UFO research in that article.
  15. He is coming from a career in a farmer’s league. We will see.
  16. I missed them that year at ACL but a few months later they were supposed to play Stubb's but they both had the flu and cancelled the day of the show. Looking forward to finally seeing them.
  17. Picked up Royal Blood tickets for November. On Friday, I'll be getting Melvins/Boris and Wilco tickets. If anyone has the Wilco presale code, please share.
  18. Have you been there before? We went a couple of years back and the swimming there was not little kid friendly. Muddy bottom, no visibility, and gets deep like 3 feet from shore. There's no beach, you climb down tree roots on a muddy bank. We stayed like 30 minutes and left.
  19. That is some middle school level drama. What a bunch of regards.
  20. What's the current consensus on booster shots? Is getting boosted still a thing or are we all just saying fuck it now? I've had two booster shots but haven't thought about it since then.
  21. CooterBrown

    Austin FC

    Made it home about 5 minutes before the rain hit. No way they start warming up at 9:35. There are still lightning strikes happening right now according to the radar.
  22. Throwing my dark horse into the ring...
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